News (Page 23)

News (Page 23)

Christopher Rodgers ordained a priest

Bishop Scott Mayers ordained Christopher Rodgers  a priest on behalf of George Sumner, bishop of Dallas, on Thursday, December 6, at the Episcopal Church of Wichita Falls, meeting in St. Stephen’s Episcopal Church. Presenters were the Rev. J.D. Godwin, Mr. Christopher W. Holley, the Rev. Michael W. Merriman, the Rev. Courtland M. Moore, the Very Rev. John Payne. Mrs. Jennifer L. Rodgers, the Rev. R. Casey Shobe, Mr. Mat Thekkil, Mr. Brent Walker, and Dr. Anne-Marie Williamson. Merriman, retired priest…

President George H. W. Bush funerals to be in Washington and Texas

Former President George H.W. Bush, 94, died Friday, November 30, 2018. His state funeral will be Wednesday, December 5, at the Episcopal Washington National Cathedral of St. Peter and St. Paul, followed by a more private funeral at 10 am Central Time Thursday, December 6, at his home church of St. Martin’s Episcopal Church, Houston, where he and Barbara Bush worshiped for more than 50 years. Both funerals will be televised by all major networks. The state funeral service will…

Topher Rodgers to be ordained priest

The Rev. Christopher Rodgers will be ordained a priest at 7 pm on Thursday, December 6, at the Episcopal Church of Wichita Falls at St. Stephen’s Episcopal Church by Bishop Scott Mayer on behalf of Bishop George R. Sumner, Episcopal Diocese of Dallas. A reception will follow. Rodgers was ordained a deacon by Bishop Sumner on June 2, 2018, at St. Matthew’s Cathedral, Dallas. His sending parish is the Episcopal Church of the Transfiguration, Dallas, Texas. He became clergy in charge in Wichita…

Sharing the tithe

This video accompanied the report of the Mission and Outreach Committee at Diocesan Convention in Decatur November 9-10. Watch it below or on YouTube.

Stick with love; give a day of service

Martin Luther King, Jr., would have been 90 years on his birthday next year.  And here’s a way to celebrate his legacy — with a day on, not a day off. The MLK Day of Service will be Monday, January 21, 2019, staring at 8:30 am. Last year Bishop Scott Mayer led a large group of Episcopalians who joined more than 700 volunteers from across the county to work at 30 different service sites. So gather up your congregations, your…

Christmas Bazaar to benefit medical ministry for lepers

Get a head start on your Christmas shopping at the Hopewallah Christmas Bazaar Saturday, December 1, 11 am to 2 pm, in the Family Life Center, St. Christopher Episcopal Church, Fort Worth, Texas, 76133. Items on sale will include beautiful Indian silk and pure cotton clothing, jewelry and Indian food. Items on sale go fast! So, come early and the best items! We will serve hot masala chai, cold drinks, cakes and biscuits. All proceeds go to Hopewallah,  a 501(c) charity that…

A hush before the rush

All are invited to St. Luke’s in the Meadow, Fort Worth, for a Hush Before the Rush Quiet Day from 3 to 6 pm Saturday, December 1. It is a good way to quiet your soul before Advent.  St. Francis’ teachings on the Incarnation, prayer, lectio divina, reflection, labyrinth walking, and conversation will provide plenty of food for the soul. While Francis is most frequently associated with the blessing of animals in October, Advent is an excellent time to engage…

St. Luke’s, Fort Worth, celebrates 70th Anniversary

St. Luke’s in the Meadow, Fort Worth, celebrated its 70th anniversary on Sunday, October 21, 2018. In his opening remarks, Bishop Scott Mayer said, “On July 14, 1946, Americans around the nation opened their Sunday morning newspapers to read in bold headlines that “Congress Approves a Huge Loan to Britain” – post-war Britain. That same day, Dr. Benjamin Spock’s book would be published: “The Common Sense Book of Baby and Child Care.” On that Sunday afternoon, Lou Boudreau of the…

Additional materials for 2018 Convention

Convention voted to approve these additional materials and distribute them for consideration. Episcopal Relief and Development Report Bishop’s Appointments and Nominations Communications and Evangelism Report Resolution R1 on 2019 Convention Location The secretary of Convention informs that the chancellor’s report was submitted on time but was omitted by error. Chancellors’ Report 2018

Bishop’s address to 2018 Convention

Bishop Scott Mayer delivered his address to the 36th Convention of the Episcopal Diocese of Fort Worth on Friday, November 9, at the Decatur Conference Center in Decatur, TX. Video will be added when it is available. I would like to begin this afternoon by expressing gratitude to our convention hosts – the people of the Northern Deanery, including Resurrection, Decatur and the Episcopal Church of Wichita Falls. I want to recognize the Dean, Jill McClendon, as well as the…

Litany in the wake of a mass shooting

Bishops United Against Gun Violence, a group of more than 80 bishops, including Bishop Scott Mayer, released a Litany in the Wake of a Mass Shooting today, following yet another in an almost daily occurrence in the United States this year. “We mourn the murder of 12 precious children of God today in Thousand Oaks, California, and we weep for those who have lost people who were dear to them. We offer our prayers for solace, for healing and for…

Bishop Scott Mayer’s nominations and appointments

Each year at convention, Bishop Scott Mayer makes his nominations and appointments to various positions for the next year. The complete list is below. Bishop’s Nominations and Appointments – 2019 Nominees Secretary: The Rev. Dr. Andrew Wright for a one-year term Treasurer: Mr. David Lowder for a one-year term Chancellor: Ms. Sandy Liser for a one-year term Registrar: The Rev. Tracie Middleton for a one-year term Historiographer: Ms. Karen Shepherd for a one-year term Trustee for The Corporation: Mr. Robert…

One more week to register for diocesan convention!

All are invited to the 2018 Diocesan Convention November 9-10 in Decatur. This video gives some interesting tidbits about Decatur and about what will happen at convention — hint: It’s not all business. Registration doesn’t close until midnight Wednesday, November 7. Watch it below or on YouTube.