The Maudy Thursday Mass on the World is adapted from Georgetown University’s symposium: “Teilhard de Chardin: His Importance in the 21st Century” in commemoration of the 60th anniversary of the death of Teilhard de Chardin (April 9th, 2015).
Watch the service below or on YouTube.
From the worship leaflet:
“This Maundy Thursday, the day on which we traditionally recognize the work of Jesus the Christ to make his Real Presence known through bread and wine, we find ourselves physically separated from each other without Eucharistic bread or wine. Therefore, we cannot think of a more appropriate way to mark this Maundy Thursday than by celebrating with Telhard in his Mass on the World.
“So join with us wherever you are in God’s grand Creation and re-discover that in the resurrection of Christ all the universe is indeed sacred.
“This mass is designed as a participatory event. A full bulletin, including your part, is available here. The text of Bishop Mayer’s sermon is here.”
Participants in the Maundy Thursday, Mass on the World are:
- Narrator: The Rev. Kevin Johnson, St. Alban’s, Theatre Arlington
- Reader 1: The Rev. Karen Calafat, St. Luke’s in the Meadow, Fort Worth
- Reader 2. Ms. Wynne Waggoner, member, St. Luke’s in the Meadow, Fort Worth
- Reader 3: The Rev. Maurine (Mo) Lewis, retired
- Reader 4: The Rev. Canon Janet Waggoner, Episcopal Diocese of Fort Worth
The homilist is the Rt. Rev. Scott Mayer, bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of Fort Worth.
Musicians are John Dosher, piano, and A. J. Moreno, vocalist.