Holy Week
Holy week includes the period of time from Palm Sunday through Holy Saturday, in which Christians remember the last week of Jesus’ life, culminating in his death and burial.
Women of the Passion, a Journey to the Cross
Several laywomen and a deacon from across the diocese came together virtually in the last two weeks to make possible an online version of the Women of the Passion, A Journey to the Cross. This is the story of the Passion of Jesus in three meditations and the fourteen Stations of the Cross. The story is told by the women who witnessed it, whose encounters with Jesus and with one another changed their lives. It is based on a book…
The Great Vigil
The Great Vigil takes us through the great stories of our faith. Gather together in the darkness around a great fire and listen. Watch it on the Diocesan Facebook Page at 8 PM. It will also be on the Diocesan YouTube Channel. From the worship leaflet: “For three days we have watched and waited. Tonight we gather in the darkness of the grave seeking the light of the Paschal Mystery. Out of the darkness – fire – a burning bush…
Good Friday
The Good Friday online worship service will be live on the Diocesan Facebook Page shortly before noon on Friday, April 10, 2020. It will also be on the Diocesan YouTube channel. You can download worship leaflets here. The text of Bishop Mayer’s sermon is here. The Rev. Allison Sandlin Liles is the celebrant. Stan Paschal is the musician. He and Daun Harter-Weeks are the readers. Also on Good Friday, a video of laywomen of the diocese reading the Women of…
Maundy Thursday
The Maudy Thursday Mass on the World is adapted from Georgetown University’s symposium: “Teilhard de Chardin: His Importance in the 21st Century” in commemoration of the 60th anniversary of the death of Teilhard de Chardin (April 9th, 2015). Watch the service below or on YouTube. From the worship leaflet: “This Maundy Thursday, the day on which we traditionally recognize the work of Jesus the Christ to make his Real Presence known through bread and wine, we find ourselves physically separated…
Holy Week and Easter Celebrations in the Episcopal Diocese of Fort Worth
Join us in the Episcopal Diocese of Fort Worth in the observance of Holy Week and Easter. Read Bishop Scott Mayer’s Easter message, “Love can bring light”. Holy Week and Easter Services Click the town name to open a list of services at different congregations. Presiding Bishop Michael Curry’s Easter Message The Foundational Story Holy Week is when the foundational story of Christianity – Jesus’ suffering, death, and resurrection – is remembered and retold, both in words and in ritual…
Holy Week and Easter Services in the Episcopal Diocese of Fort Worth
Everyone – no exceptions – is welcome to join Episcopalians in the Episcopal Diocese of Fort Worth in the observance of Holy Week and Easter. A list of services is below. The Foundational Story Holy Week is when the foundational story of Christianity – Jesus’ suffering, death, and resurrection – is remembered and retold, both in words and in ritual actions, at services throughout the week. It ends at sundown on Holy Saturday with a service called the Great Vigil…
Join us for Holy Week and Easter
Everyone – no exceptions – is welcome to join Episcopalians in the Episcopal Diocese of Fort Worth in the observance of Holy Week and Easter. The Rt. Rev. J. Scott Mayer, provisional bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of Fort Worth, will be celebrating and preaching at 11:15 am on Easter Sunday at St. Andrew’s, worshiping at Good Shepherd Chapel, University Christian Church, 2720 S. University Dr., Fort Worth, TX, 76109. A list of all Holy Week and Easter services in…
Stations of the Cross at the Episcopal Church of Hamilton County
Members at the Episcopal Church of Hamilton County created crosses during Lent in preparation for Holy Week. The crosses reflect a wide range of artistic styles. They are displayed in the field next to the church where, at 6 pm on Good Friday, the congregation has invited the community to join them in the Stations of the Cross.
Join us for Holy Week and Easter worship
Please join one of our congregations for worship during Holy Week and on Easter Sunday, as the people of the Episcopal Diocese of Fort Worth join with Christians around the world to commemorate the Passion and death of our Lord Jesus Christ, and then rejoices at the Resurrection on Easter Sunday. All are welcome in this place. Arlington St. Alban’s Episcopal Church holding services at Theatre Arlington 305 W. Main, Arlington, TX 76010 saintalbansarlington.org Phone: 817-264-3083 Palm Sunday 9:30am –…
Call for art – diocesan exhibit will feature Lent, Holy Week
Artists around the diocese are invited to contribute work to a diocesan art exhibit exploring Lent and Holy Week. The art will be on display in the diocesan office at 4301 Meadowbrook Drive, Fort Worth, 76103. People can visit the exhibit during diocesan office hours, 9:00 am – 4:00 pm, Monday through Friday, March 12 – April 10.. The show will be the first in a series of exhibits at the diocesan office focused around themes of the liturgical calendar. If…
Bishop Rayford High’s Chrism Mass Sermon April 15, 2014
John 12:20-36 I am grateful that you all are here this morning on this Tuesday in Holy Week to join with your sisters and brothers in ordained and lay ministry. I am especially grateful you have taken the time out in this busy, frantic, holy of holy weeks to share Christ’s presence in the bread and the wine, to share a meal together, to share a conversation with each other. As with the old 1928 Prayer Book, our Gospel for…
Clergy invited to Chrism Mass – Good news for leaders
Tuesday of Holy Week (April 15) is the date of the diocese’s annual “mass of collegiality,” or “Chrism Mass,” and all clergy are cordially invited to attend. The mass, to be celebrated at St. Luke’s in the Meadow, 4301 Meadowbrook Dr., Fort Worth, TX 76103 will begin at 11am, with Bishop Rayford High preaching and presiding.
Reaffirmation of Ordination Vows
The Rt. Rev. Rayford B. High, Jr., and the clergy of the Episcopal Diocese of Fort Worth came together to worship and reaffirm their ordination vows on Tuesday of Holy Week, 2013, at St. Luke’s in the Meadow Episcopal Church, Fort Worth.
Anti-Judaism Issues in the Scriptures for Holy Week
Standing Commission on Liturgy and Music of the Episcopal Church [MARCH 19, 2013] One of the consequences of Jewish-Christian dialogue in recent decades has been a growing awareness of the role played by the New Testament lectionary readings for Holy Week. Consciously or unconsciously, interpretations of these readings in the preaching of Christian pastors have fostered anti-Jewish attitudes among Christians over many centuries. Preachers have propagated the idea, from the earliest times and continuing into our own day, that the Jews…
St. Martin-in-the-Fields to hold artists’ interpretations of Holy Week
Artists’ interpretations of Holy Week will be showcased at a free Gala Arts Event at St. Martin-in-the-Fields Episcopal Church (Keller/Southlake) on Saturday, March 31st from 6:00 – 8:00 p.m. Previously featured in the Star-Telegram, this is St. Martin’s 3rd Annual Gala Event where artists strive to re-vision and revitalize our understanding of Christ’s last days through their work. Artists from around the diocese are invited to participate. Please e-mail Valerie Reinke for a prospectus.