Bishop Mayer extends suspension of in-person worship through May.
Bishop Scott Mayer has extended the suspension of in-person worship through May. Meanwhile, the bishop, clergy, and lay leaders are exploring a phased approach to resuming in-person worship. Because the goal is to keep worshipers as safe as possible during this health crisis, this approach will be based on the best available scientific and medical advice. In the meantime, the medical community urges us to continue to love our neighbors and ourselves by sheltering in place, maintaining physical distancing, frequent…
Make a lighted Easter lily garland for Eastertide
The Easter season is 50 days long. So the celebration continues well past the glory of Easter Day. And while Eastertide lasts 50 days, we have no idea how long Coronatide will last, as we love our neighbors by staying home. So here’s a fun activity for the family to do while we are all stuck at home. Make the garland and put it up to light up the days and nights of the Easter season. How to make a…
Music from the heart for the soul
Through the hard work of Episcopal communicators, muscians, and audio and video geniuses, Episcopalians from across the church came together to perform for Easter. As we move into the 50 days of Eastertide, take time to watch and listen. It will be good for your soul. Credits: Arrangement by Erik Meyer, audio engineering and post-production by Kory Caudill and Sean Truskowski, video editing by Tom Verga. Special thanks to The Episcopal Church Office of Communication/Multimedia Services unit and Natalee Hill,…
Easter Sunday
Alleluia! Christ is Risen! The Lord is Risen indeed! Alleluia! Join us for our online Easter worship service. It will be live at 10 am on Easter Sunday, April 12, 2020, at the Diocesan Facebook Page and the Diocesan YouTube Channel. The celebrant is the Rev. Dr. Robert Pace, rector of Trinity, Fort Worth. Bishop Scott Mayer is the preacher. Acolyte is Eleanor Forfang-Brockman of St. Luke’s in the Meadow, Fort Worth. Readers are…
Join The Episcopal Church’s virtual choir for Easter
Join your voice or instrument for the Episcopal Church’s Easter Virtual Choir! The Episcopal Church is creating a mass virtual choir video to be released on Easter Sunday. If you’re a choir member without a choir, a musician without an orchestra, or just someone who loves to sing and be part of the group, you’re who we need! We’re looking for submissions from across the Church (and even beyond!) for this project. …We look forward to showing off the whole…
Holy Week and Easter Celebrations in the Episcopal Diocese of Fort Worth
Join us in the Episcopal Diocese of Fort Worth in the observance of Holy Week and Easter. Holy Week and Easter Services Click the town name to open a list of services at different congregations. If you can’t make it to church . . . The Episcopal Church invites all to virtually join the congregation of St. Paul’s/San Pablo Episcopal Church in Kansas City, Kansas for their Holy Week services. Beginning with the Maundy Thursday Eucharist and Foot Washing service…
Holy Week and Easter Celebrations in the Episcopal Diocese of Fort Worth
Join us in the Episcopal Diocese of Fort Worth in the observance of Holy Week and Easter. Read Bishop Scott Mayer’s Easter message, “Love can bring light”. Holy Week and Easter Services Click the town name to open a list of services at different congregations. Presiding Bishop Michael Curry’s Easter Message The Foundational Story Holy Week is when the foundational story of Christianity – Jesus’ suffering, death, and resurrection – is remembered and retold, both in words and in ritual…
Holy Week and Easter Services in the Episcopal Diocese of Fort Worth
Everyone – no exceptions – is welcome to join Episcopalians in the Episcopal Diocese of Fort Worth in the observance of Holy Week and Easter. A list of services is below. The Foundational Story Holy Week is when the foundational story of Christianity – Jesus’ suffering, death, and resurrection – is remembered and retold, both in words and in ritual actions, at services throughout the week. It ends at sundown on Holy Saturday with a service called the Great Vigil…
Bishop Mayer celebrates Easter at St. Andrew’s, Fort Worth
Bishop Scott Mayer celebrated and preached on Easter Sunday at St, Andrew’s Episcopal Church, Fort Worth, worshiping at the Chapel of the Good Shepherd, University Christian Church. Bishop Mayer’s Easter Sermon Confirmation He also confirmed his sister-in-law, Shelly Lynn Mayer. Several members of the bishop’s family, including his wife, Kathy, and his mother, Mary, and Shelly Mayer’s husband, Cliff, also attended. There was a reception after the service. See more photos at the diocesan Flickr Gallery.
Easter Messages: Bishop Scott Mayer and Presiding Bishop Michael Curry
The Rt. Rev. J. Scott Mayer of the Episcopal Diocese of Fort Worth has issued an Easter greeting to the diocese in this video. Presiding Bishop Michael Curry has issued his 2016 Easter message. View Presiding Bishop Michael Curry’s Easter message or read the text of his message. Easter is the feast of Christ’s resurrection. The word derives from the Anglo-Saxon spring goddess Eostre. Christians in England applied the word to the principal festival of the church year, both the day and…
Join us for Holy Week and Easter
Everyone – no exceptions – is welcome to join Episcopalians in the Episcopal Diocese of Fort Worth in the observance of Holy Week and Easter. The Rt. Rev. J. Scott Mayer, provisional bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of Fort Worth, will be celebrating and preaching at 11:15 am on Easter Sunday at St. Andrew’s, worshiping at Good Shepherd Chapel, University Christian Church, 2720 S. University Dr., Fort Worth, TX, 76109. A list of all Holy Week and Easter services in…
Wise County Episcopalians worship in new building
A sweet incense of joy filled the tiny nave as the words of the Book of Common Prayer rang out once again in the white frame building on Church Street in Decatur in Wise County. The familiar prayers fell on the thirsty hearts of worshipers like rain breaking a long drought. On Sunday, May 17, 2015, Wise County Episcopalians celebrated Ascension Sunday with Holy Eucharist in the small white church that began its existence in 1889 as the Episcopal Mission…
Join us for Holy Week and Easter worship
Please join one of our congregations for worship during Holy Week and on Easter Sunday, as the people of the Episcopal Diocese of Fort Worth join with Christians around the world to commemorate the Passion and death of our Lord Jesus Christ, and then rejoices at the Resurrection on Easter Sunday. All are welcome in this place. Arlington St. Alban’s Episcopal Church holding services at Theatre Arlington 305 W. Main, Arlington, TX 76010 saintalbansarlington.org Phone: 817-264-3083 Palm Sunday 9:30am –…
Bishop High’s Easter Message
The Rt. Rev. Rayford B. High Jr., provisional bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of Fort Worth, gives his Easter message.
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