Letter from Bishop Rayford High on next steps after Texas Supreme Court opinion

Letter from Bishop Rayford High on next steps after Texas Supreme Court opinion

Dear Sisters and Brothers in Christ,

After a day and a half back in the office, I want to share with you several very important things about our diocese.

First, I will be meeting with our legal team and we are actively working on the next steps forward in the litigation. I have heard that some folks think we are giving up. That is not true. We will keep you as informed as possible as these plans unfold while still protecting our legal strategies.

We also will be moving forward on other fronts, including preparations for our diocesan convention in Wichita Falls. Bishop Rob O’Neill of the Episcopal Diocese of Colorado has lived through similar times in his diocese and he will be sharing what he learned with us. The training of lay worship leaders will continue. We are postponing the “transitional training” for the moment. This weekend six of our congregations are beginning the process with the Episcopal Church Building Fund, “Recasting of Church Assets.” We have re-started our college ministry at T.C.U., and our campus ministry at U.T. Arlington and at Tarleton State are full steam ahead. As before, the litigation will continue in the capable hands of our legal team and your diocesan leaders while all of us continue with the more important work of carrying out God’s mission in this part of The Episcopal Church.

I know that the past four years have been both exciting and tiring for those of you who are worshiping in rented spaces as you learned new and innovative ways to “do church.” Your hard work has been inspiring for all in the diocese — indeed, for the whole Episcopal Church. I have told our story to the larger church — how we continue to minister in our communities in new and innovative ways. I am so proud of our diocese. We all acknowledge and are grateful for your faithfulness.

I hold you all in my prayers daily, and I ask your prayers for your bishop and your diocesan leaders.

Faithfully in Christ,

The Rt. Rev. Rayford B. High, Jr.
The Episcopal Diocese of Fort Worth