Click below to learn more about each of those who have let their names stand for election to leadership positions in the diocese.
Andrew Wright
Originally from Northwest Texas and native to the Episcopal Church, Andrew Wright also spent some prior history in Fort Worth, attending TCU for college, participating in Trinity, St. Christopher’s, and St. Anne’s during those years. Wright returned to Fort Worth in 2013, serving initially as Associate Rector at Trinity, working with Children, Youth, Young Adults, and Families, and now serves as Interim Rector of Trinity. Wright earned a Th.D. in Liturgical Theology in 2012 and has taught as an adjunct…
Barbara Evans-Chowning
All Saint’s Episcopal Fort Worth Barbara is a current member of the Disciplinary Board. She has served several terms on the Executive Council, is currently serving on the Commission on Ministry, and on the Risk Management Committee. At All Saints’ she is a past member of the vestry and past president of the Women of All Saints. She presently serves as a greeter and usher. Barbara Evans-Chowning has been a member at All Saints’ Episcopal in Fort Worth since the…
Edwin Barnett
In DC I worked with the Diocesan Environmental Spiritual Team for the city of DC, and on the diocesan environment impact team. In Pennsylvania I mentored two young priest in parish organization, and systematic theology for Christian Formation. In Fort Worth I continue to bring the faithful remnant of St. Andrew’s into a more collegial participation with worship, outreach ministry, and diocesan participation. With a background in Engineering, I earned three degrees before my Mdiv toward Holy Orders. I have…
Louis Eichenberger
St. Christopher’s, Ft. Worth I have been on the Executive Council for the last five years from various positions (Dean and after the deanery re-organization, elected representative from a deanery) and would appreciate the opportunity to continue this service. I am currently on the Finance Committee (since 2017) and the Risk Management Committee (since 2014, as the logical thinker balancing all the creative thinkers on the committee!), in addition to the Executive Council (with or without vote since 2013). As…
Bruce Coggin
The Rev. Bruce Coggin is retired, a member of the convention, and hangs out at Trinity in Fort Worth. In over half a century, I have served all the way from Youth Commission to Hispanic Ministry to Dean to Commissions on Ministry and Constitution and Canons and Diocesan Structures and others to Executive Council to Standing Committee to Secretary of the Diocese for nine years. Most of it happy. Raised within the diocese, educated in Texas mostly, ordained in 1966,…
Bradley C. Dyche
Rector, St. Luke’s, Stephenville (present); Rector, St. Augustine’s, Croton, NY (2006-2017); Curate, St. John’s, Larchmont, NY (2002-2006); Chair, Strategic Realignment, Diocese of New York, Structure and Canons (2015-2016); President, Theology and Peace (2012-2016); Dean of Deanery, Diocese of New York (2012-2015); Member, Diocesan Council, Diocese of New York (2014-2017); Member, Diocese of New York Budgetary Committee (2015-2017), Dispatch Liaison, General Convention (2000-present). I pray for a world in which all are loved and respected. I pray for each of us…
Karen Calafat
The Reverend Karen A. Calafat just celebrated her 4th anniversary as Priest-in-Charge at St. Luke’s in the Meadow. She is President of the Disciplinary Board for the Diocese of Fort Worth, as well a member of the Diocesan Mission and Outreach Committee, and Diocesan Evangelism/Marketing Team. Karen is a Founding Board of Directors Member of 4Saints Episcopal Food Pantry and Board Member of The W.H. Grove Home. During her tenure at St. Luke’s, 3 people have entered the ordination process…
Becky Snell
Becky Snell attends St. Martin in the Fields in Keller and has been a delegate to the Episcopal Diocese of Fort Worth Convention for St. Martin for more than six years. She is active in many ministries at St. Martin and currently serves on the vestry and the Eastern Deanery. With a medical and military officer background, she is interested in serving as a lay member on the Fort Worth Disciplinary Board.
Eloise Frye
Eloise B. Frye is an active and engaged member of St. Stephen’s Episcopal Church in Hurst. After becoming a member, she served on the Vestry and the Finance Committee, and was elected Junior Warden. She continues the enrichment of her spiritual journey as a member of the Daughters of the King, which she joined in 2016. She served as an alternate delegate for St. Stephen’s at the 2017 diocesan Convention, and she will again serve as a delegate to the…
Laura Fleming
Laura Fleming is a Licensed Professional Counselor and a member of All Saint’s Episcopal Church in Fort Worth. She has been an Episcopalian since birth. She’s held numerous leadership roles at All Saints’ including vestry member, deanery member, Sunday school teacher, outreach and mission chairperson, and Belize mission team leader. Laura has served on the vestry at All Saints’ and as a delegate to Diocesan Convention. She’s chaired the Supper Club, taught Sunday School, served with the Outreach & Mission…
Jane Dennis
I was born in Kansas City, Mo. and moved to Texas in 1957 with my family; graduated from University of Texas, B.S. Nutrition, 1964; Texas Woman’s University, M.S., Nutrition, 1977; Oklahoma State University, Ph.D., Nutrition, 1993. Registered Dietitian 50 years; experience in food service administration, management, health care, school food service and higher education, retired from Tarleton State University after 19 years with the rank of Associate Professor of Nutrition. I have served as Dean for the Southwest deanery; diocesan…
Suzanne Meyers
Suzanne Meyers is a lay leader at St. Luke’s, Stephenville. She is involved in Education for Ministry (EfM) and coordinator of lunches for the Episcopal Campus Ministry at Tarleton State University, a ministry serving about 300 students each week. Meyers is a retired owner of Park Cities Animal Hospital, a member of the Board of Directors of the Stephenville Education Foundation, and of the Mark Francis DVM Board at Texas A&M University. Suzanne is married to Taber, mother to Jake and daughter-in-law Toni,…
Cynthia Hill
My family joined the Episcopal Church in 2003, after having spent time in the church while our children attended St. Alban’s Episcopal School and then All Saints’ Episcopal School. For the diocese I have served two terms on the Commission on Ministry, two terms as Sub-Dean of the Fort Worth West Deanery, and one term as a Lay Trustee to the University of the South. At All Saints’ Fort Worth, my home church, I am the Godly Play Coordinator, and…
Melinda Jo Ray
Melinda Jo Ray is a retired librarian / educator, who now owns and operates a boutique hotel in Granbury, Texas. As a member of Good Shepherd parish in Granbury since her confirmation 28 years ago, Melinda has worked in a wide variety of ministries at both the parochial and diocesan level. Melinda has served on the vestry of Good Shepherd during 20 of the last 28 years. She has served her parish as an LEM, a Christian Educator, a Confirmation…