Eloise B. Frye is an active and engaged member of St. Stephen’s Episcopal Church in Hurst. After becoming a member, she served on the Vestry and the Finance Committee, and was elected Junior Warden. She continues the enrichment of her spiritual journey as a member of the Daughters of the King, which she joined in 2016. She served as an alternate delegate for St. Stephen’s at the 2017 diocesan Convention, and she will again serve as a delegate to the 2018 diocesan Convention.
She went to college, married, and started her family in Illinois where they were confirmed as Episcopalians. While living in Illinois her family became members of Trinity Episcopal Church in Chicago, where she was soon tapped as a Vestry member and served there on many committees, including a search committee. She was active in her parish in the Diocese of Chicago under Bishops James W. Montgomery, Frank T. Griswold, and William D. Persell.
In the middle of 2003 Eloise moved to Texas and joined the church family at St. Martin-in-the-Fields Episcopal Church in Keller, where the Rev. Frank Reeves was the rector. Here she continued as a lector, served on a discernment committee, and trained to be a chalice bearer. While there she attended her first diocesan Convention in 2012 in Stephenville, Texas.
Eloise has volunteered and passionately served with church and community organizations throughout her life. She senses the best way to gain insight into the management and the internal church protocol is involvement with those who are knowledgeable. She sees the diocese as an important place that resources, policy making, assistance to parishes, and supporting the mission of the church is decided. As she seeks to serve on the Standing Committee, she offers listening skills, fairness, and a wiliness to support the committee’s role. She welcomes the opportunity to serve you as a member on our diocesan Standing Committee.
I have been a member/participant in several parishes during my lifespan and when asked to support or become part of a project, I accepted without hesitation. Some of these experiences are listed below:
Elected for Parish Leadership
Junior Warden St Stephen’s, Hurst
Vestry Member Trinity, Chicago St Stephen’s, Hurst
Delegate Diocesan Convention- Fort Worth
Other Leadership Roles
Member, Finance Committee St Stephen’s
Member, Worship Committee St Stephen’s, Hurst Trinity, Illinois
Member, Music Committee Trinity, Illinois
Member, Building & Grounds Trinity, Illinois
Coordinator of Spring Cleaning
Volunteer Hospitality Committee Trinity, Illinois
Responsible for 8 am Fellowship Hour
Member, Discernment Committee St Martin-in-the-Fields, Keller
Member, Search Committee, St Martin-In-the-Fields, Keller Trinity, Illinois
Director, Housing Board Trinity, Illinois