The Rev. David Madison of our diocese has been named executive director of the National Association of Episcopal Schools (NAES). The announcement was made October 28, 2020, by Edward Kim, president of the governing board of NAES.
Madison said, “It is with a humble heart that I gratefully accept the call. . .As a former Episcopal school student, teacher, chaplain, and administrator, I have experienced first hand the transformational work taking place on our campuses to serve young people and to make this world a better place. NAES is the leading voice in the Episcopal school world and I am excited about serving you.”
Madison currently is the executive director of the Southwestern Association of Episcopal Schools (SAES). Prior to accepting this position, he served as assistant head of school and head of the upper school at All Saints’ Episcopal School in Fort Worth. Madison graduated from Austin College, earned a law degree from Baylor University, and then attended seminary at Nashotah House in Wisconsin, graduating cum laude with a Master of Divinity degree. He was ordained a priest in September, 2004. In May, 2014, he completed a Doctor of Ministry degree at Virginia Theological Seminary. He has served in many leadership roles in the diocese, including as president of the Standing Committee and deputy to General Convention.
Below is the full announcement and Madison’s statement.
NAES Announces a New Executive Director
On behalf of the Governing Board of the NAES, I am pleased to announce the appointment of the Rev. David A. Madison, D.Min. as the next Executive Director for our association.
Dr. Madison steps into this role as a masterful servant leading over 100 schools, across six states and eleven dioceses in the Southwest. In his half decade of service as the Executive Director for the Southwestern Association of Episcopal Schools (SAES), Dr. Madison has proven his ability to identify, nurture, and develop relationships with key constituents and partners, both internal and external, who have demonstrated the best practices in Episcopal identity in helping to further the Association’s mission and goals. On the national level, he has played a key role among the leaders of Independent school accrediting associations.
The time-honored Anglican approach to education, “faith seeking understanding,” finds a compelling alignment with Dr. Madison’s keen understanding and dexterity around the nuanced environment in which the Association must advance its mission today. He has spearheaded multiple initiatives that have fostered excellence, expanded the reach of SAES, and unified Episcopal schools
By serving those who serve Episcopal schools, Dr. Madison showcases the importance of relationships as the foundation of a strong, impactful association while refining his ability and commitment to foster excellence through association.
Dr. Madison also brings a wealth of experience to our Association. He attended an Episcopal school, then earned his bachelor’s degree from Austin College and a law degree from Baylor University. After graduating cum laude from Nashotah House, he was ordained as a priest. Soon thereafter he returned to Episcopal schools—indeed his alma mater—as Director of Religious Studies and Chaplain at All Saints Episcopal School in Fort Worth TX. He then was appointed as Assistant Head of School and Head of Upper Division at All Saints Episcopal School, and subsequently earned the Doctor of Ministry degree with distinction from Virginia Theological Seminary.
Dr. Madison steps into this role with a lifetime of dedication to the Episcopal faith and the world of education. The NAES Governing Board is confident that his years of experience and accomplishments will strengthen and further NAES’ mission and future goals.
Edward Kim
NAES Governing Board President
A Message from the Executive Director-Elect
Dear NAES Community:
It is with a humble heart that I gratefully accept the call as Executive Director-Elect of the National Association of Episcopal Schools. Our mission of serving those who serve Episcopal schools is one that I have felt called to and have enthusiastically embraced in my role as Executive Director of the Southwestern Association of Episcopal Schools. As a former Episcopal school student, teacher, chaplain, and administrator, I have experienced first hand the transformational work taking place on our campuses to serve young people and to make this world a better place. NAES is the leading voice in the Episcopal school world and I am excited about serving you.
As I have throughout my entire ordained ministry, I look forward to attending the NAES Biennial Conference next week. While it will differ from past years because of the novel coronavirus pandemic, I anticipate the wonderful time of sharing, fellowship, worship, and learning. The theme this year is, “Love one another, as I have loved you.” This timely message of Jesus’ truth is ours to reflect on throughout the conference. Much like the early church described in The Book of Acts, we must develop innovative ways to “be” the community in the midst of adaptive challenges. My prayer is that NAES will continue with its provision of resources and opportunities, support and encouragement for your critically important work.
Even as I hope to see you at the Biennial Conference, I look forward to meeting with you in the coming months and years. In the meantime, please keep the NAES team and me in your prayers as we develop the best ways to live our mission. Please know of your place in my prayers. With best regards, I remain,
Yours in Christ,
The Rev. David A. Madison, D.Min.
NAES Executive Director-Elect