Congregations partnering with ECBF

Congregations partnering with ECBF

A group of Episcopal Diocese of Fort Worth congregations will be partnering with the Episcopal Church Building Fund (ECBF) in the coming year, participating in the Recasting of Building Assets process. The project focuses on congregations who wish to deepen their connection to their community and to build mission and value, as well as develop financial self-sustainability through the creative use of building assets.

ECBF staff Julia Groom and Sally O’Brien met with representatives from several Diocese of Fort Worth congregations on Jan. 14 to describe the goals and the process. If you missed that meeting and would like more information you will find a description of the process on-line. Based on responses to that meeting, there is room for three to five additional congregations in the 2013-14 partnership. So far, St. Elisabeth’s Fort Worth, St. Luke’s in the Meadow Fort Worth, All Saints Wichita Falls, and St. Alban’s Arlington are working on applications.

Interested congregations should contact the ECBF staff Julia Groom ( or Sally O’Brien ( no later than March 30, 2013. Applications are available online, and are due by April 14, 2013.

If you’d like further information on ECBF and the Diocese of Fort Worth project, contact the ECBF or Demi Prentiss in the diocesan office (, 817-534-1900).