The Big Truck Food Distribution of the 4Saints Episcopal Food Pantry needs you! And they especially need you as the year is winding down. Big Truck Saturday is normally on the 4th Saturday of the month. But that changes because of Thanksgiving and Christmas. Please take note of these dates:
Saturday, November 13Saturday, December 11
All you have to do to volunteer is show up. The address is 3000 Avenue E, Fort Worth, on the Texas Wesleyan Campus. Here are some of the jobs that need doing: register clients, stack food, push carts, fill boxes, load cars, count cans, cut cardboard, stash trash, serve snacks, etc. There is a job for everyone.
Set up starts at 10 am and the food truck arrives around 10:30. Come when you can. Stay until you are pleasantly pooped. Clean up is always finished by 2 pm. Wear sturdy shoes and dress for the weather, as you will be working outside. They will have snacks and big water jug so you can fill your water bottle. It’s fun, rewarding, and much needed. Come help out!