Posts by Steve Grenzow (Page 55)

Posts by Steve Grenzow (Page 55)

Two labyrinth workshop opportunities offered in our diocese

I believe the labyrinth serves as a tool for people to connect with their inner being and trust where they are in any stage of life.” -Kay Mutert Like a River Flows: The Way of Creative Expression will be a workshop to unlock the surprise of the creative process using Rev. Dr. Mutert’s music, prayers, poetry and our labyrinth. This community-wide event is open to all, and includes lunch. Join us on Sept. 13 from 9:30-4:30 at University Christian Church in…

New Nomination Process for 2012 Diocesan Convention Elections

Some of the Nominations Committee members are scheduled to visit each Deanery three times this year (April, August, & October) to disseminate information about the 2012 new nomination process and the positions to be elected/appointed. All nominations will be through the diocesan website and will be open from 1 August 2012 through 30 September 2012. Anyone may nominate any qualified person for an appropriate position. Every nomination will include a “head shot” picture in jpg format. Persons rolling off expired…

Plan to see youth production of GODSPELL and help ERD

The youth of St. Alban’s, worshiping in Theater Arlington, and St. Anne’s, DeSoto, are presenting Godspell this Friday and Saturday at 7 p.m. and Sunday at 3 p.m. in Bishops Hall at Canterbury Episcopal School, 1708 N. Westmoreland in DeSoto. Godspell is a musical by Stephen Schwartz and John-Michael Tebelak, that opened off Broadway in 1971. All proceeds go to Episcopal Relief and Development. The all-youth production was the brainchild of the youth of St. Alban’s and St. Anne’s. Our own Melanie Wright,…

House of Bishops unanimously passes Mind of the House Resolution by roll call vote

House of Bishops Recognizes and Commends the Leadership of the Diocese of Fort Worth and Other Reorganizing Dioceses The House of Bishops today (July 8, 2012) passed a Mind of the House Resolution unanimously by roll call vote. A Mind of the House Resolution: “Resolved, That Episcopalians in the Dioceses of Fort Worth, Pittsburgh, Quincy and San Joaquin – lay and clergy – be commended for their unflagging efforts to continue to witness to God’s mission as The Episcopal Church…

ACNA Defendants Ask Texas Supreme Court to Set Oral Argument on Breakaways’ Appeal

The Breakaway Defendants have filed a motion to expedite the setting of the oral argument in our diocesan litigation pending before the Texas Supreme Court. The breakaway parties cited as reasons their declining membership and donations, the defection of several of their key breakaway leaders to the Roman Catholic Church, and the reported pending internal Church disciplinary proceedings under ecclesiastical canon law against the seven retired or current bishops who filed papers against the position of The Episcopal Church and…

An update on the prayer visitor project

One by one, all of our congregations are being prayed for intentionally by the following people as well as the Churches in Wichita Falls, St. Mary’s Hillsboro, and St. Alban’s Arlington: Joe, Joel, Jane, Lyn, Deanna, Linda, Kathleen, Melissa, Rebecca, Jane, Thomas, Susann, Cindy, Emily, Julie, Lary, Shelly, Lisa, Richard, Jack, Cari, Mo, JD, David, Roberta, Elinor, Jacque, Celia, Anita, Ed, Deneice, Marian, Ralph, Cheryl, Barbara, Marilyn, Rob, Edwina, Joy , Melanie, Tamara, Burney, Abiel Congregation still in need of…

Fort Worth, Quincy seek affirmation on church’s ‘hierarchical character’

Request relates to court filings in property litigation By Mary Frances Schjonberg [Episcopal News Service – Indianapolis] Episcopal Church Diocese of Quincy Provisional Bishop John Buchanan and Fort Worth Provisional Bishop Wallis Ohl want the House of Bishops to “set the record on the polity of this church regarding its hierarchical character.” Buchanan and Ohl wrote to Presiding Bishop Katharine Jefferts Schori July 5 to make the request and the House of Bishops discussed their letter during a closed session here July 6. The house is…

SAVE THE DATE for the 30th Diocesan Convention November 2-3, 2012

The 30th Diocesan Convention of the Episcopal Diocese of Fort Worth will be November 2-3, 2012, in the Student Center at Tarleton State University in Stephenville. The Southern Deanery is the host. The convention is open to anyone who is interested, in addition to the clergy and lay delegates. As was the case last year, delegates and visitors will be seated in the same area. All legislative business, worship and other activities will take place in the same large room.…

Texas Supreme Court Resets Oral Argument in Northwest Texas Case

On June 22, 2012 the Texas Supreme Court reset the oral argument in the Masterson case, which is the appeal by a breakaway faction seeking to overturn the judgment in favor of the Episcopal Diocese of Northwest Texas and the loyal Episcopalians at Good Shepherd Episcopal Church in San Angelo. The argument will be heard on Tuesday, October 16, 2012 at the 9:00 a.m. docket in the Supreme Court Building in Austin. This case had been set for oral argument…

U.S. Supreme Court Refuses Breakaway Petitions in Georgia and Connecticut Cases

On June 18, 2012 the United States Supreme Court denied petitions for writs of certiorari in two important church property cases from Georgia and Connecticut. The Court’s orders left in place decisions favoring the Presbyterian and Episcopal churches, both hierarchical churches, which had faced challenges from breakaway factions. These orders make final the judgments below and now open the way to the Churches’ recovery of local church property for their respective missions and ministries. The Court’s actions mean that it will not…

2012 Community Connection gift of the Episcopal Church Women

Each Triennial the Episcopal Church Women Board chooses a Community Connection Gift recipient. The 2012 recipient is The John P. Craine House. The John P. Craine House (Craine House) was established in 1979 by The Right Reverend John P. Craine, Bishop of the Diocese of Indiana and the Reverend Jackie Means. Caine House is a unique alternative sentencing residential facility that allows women convicted of non-violent crimes to serve out their remaining sentences with their pre-school age children in a…

2012 Episcopal Church Women community connection gift

Each Triennial the Episcopal Church Women Board chooses a Community Connection Gift recipient. The 2012 recipient is The John P. Craine House. The John P. Craine House (Craine House) was established in 1979 by The Right Reverend John P. Craine, Bishop of the Diocese of Indiana and the Reverend Jackie Means. Caine House is a unique alternative sentencing residential facility that allows women convicted of non-violent crimes to serve out their remaining sentences with their pre-school age children in a safe and structured environment. There are only six…

First Cursillo for our diocese scheduled for early September 2012

Come learn about plans for the first-ever Fort Worth diocese-only Cursillo this next Sunday, April 29. A Grand Ultreya is scheduled to begin at 6:00 p.m. at Trinity Episcopal Church-Fort Worth, 3401 Bellaire Drive South, 817-926-4631. The evening will include a pot luck dinner, music and exciting news about the upcoming Cursillo, scheduled for early September. Everyone is welcome. Anyone in the diocese who has never gone to Cursillo is especially encouraged to attend.

Change in Scope of April 28, 2011 Hearing

In a telephonic hearing on April 27, 2011, Judge John P. Chupp told the parties that, on April 28 at 2 p.m., he will hear the parties’ arguments about whether to allow the Episcopal Parties to conduct discovery on the factual issues raised in Defendants’ Motion to Set Supersedeas Bond and the Local Episcopal Parties’ Motion to Continue Hearing on Supersedeas and for Additional Protection. He indicated that the parties should not bring witnesses to put on testimony about the…

Tennessee Court Rules in Favor of Episcopal Diocese in Property Dispute

On April 25, 2012 the Court of Appeals of Tennessee in Nashville issued an opinion in favor of The Episcopal Church’s Diocese of Tennessee in a property dispute with a breakaway group from St. Andrew’s Parish, Nashville. A copy of the opinion is HERE. St. Andrew’s Parish, Nashville asserted its intention to leave The Diocese of Tennessee. The Diocese filed a declaratory judgment action to determine whether it or the local congregation owned and controlled the real and personal property where…