Posts by Steve Grenzow (Page 44)
Lenten Reflection: Petition
We might be praying quite specifically for someone or something, but we figure into the answer of this prayer which began in God’s own heart. God has given us an awareness of some need, and that need is being addressed through our own awareness and our own availability. – Br. Curtis Almquist Society of Saint John the Evangelist To Read More, Click Here Video not displaying? Click here to view: Question for Reflection: How does petition help sharpen your…
Lenten Reflection: Intercession
Intercession is about love, and leaning to love. Intercession is about love that is both expressed and learnt. We express our love for another when we pray for them, and we learn to love them even more, even our enemies. – Br. James Koester Society of Saint John the Evangelist To Read More, Click Here Video not displaying? Click here to view: Question for Reflection: What of your “distractions” are invitations for your prayer? Comments: We welcome your comments…
Lenten Reflection: Father
In our life of prayer, in our regular participation in the Eucharist and the sacramental life, we allow the dynamic community of love which is God the Holy Trinity, the dance of love between the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, to graciously spill over, forgive us, wash over us, and draw us in so that we can participate in that life. – Br. Geoffrey Tristram Society of Saint John the Evangelist To Read More, Click Here Video not displaying? Click…
Lenten Reflection: Trinity
We should be aware that we are indeed taking part in the worship of the Holy Trinity: It is God the Father who created us and all things, God the Son who redeemed us by his Death, Resurrection, and Ascension, and the Holy Spirit who sanctifies us, now and always, as we keep our hearts open in love. – Br. David Allen Society of Saint John the Evangelist To Read More, Click Here Video not displaying? Click here to view:…
Lenten Reflection: Body
For you to receive as gift Christ’s offer of peace might have to do with some movement of your body, some way that you walk, some way that you gesture or use your hands; something you do with you body. Maybe a bowing, a pacing, a posturing. Perhaps there is some practice to attend to when you are alone. – Br. Curtis Almquist Society of Saint John the Evangelist To Read More, Click Here Video not displaying? Click here to…
Lenten Reflection: Mystery
Life has a way of shattering our safe and comfortable images of God. Over and over again we are driven to search for a deeper understanding, for a renewed and deeper relationship. We will never know God fully in this life; the fullness of the Mystery will always be beyond our comprehension. – Br. David Vryhof Society of Saint John the Evangelist To Read More, Click Here Video not displaying? Click here to view: Question for Reflection: Will you…
Letter from the President of the Standing Committee on the Conciliation
From Marti Fagley, President of the Standing Committee of the Episcopal Diocese of Fort Worth, on the recent conciliation meeting and settlement: Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, In June 2012, the members of the Standing Committee and our then provisional bishop, the Rt. Rev. C Wallis Ohl, submitted a Title IV complaint to the Episcopal Church Intake Officer, the Rt. Rev. F. Clayton Matthews. This internal Church disciplinary proceeding was initiated against seven bishops ordained by The Episcopal Church…
Settlement Reached on Disciplinary Complaints Against Bishops
The Most Rev. Katharine Jefferts Schori, presiding bishop of The Episcopal Church, has approved an accord reached between various complainants and nine bishops of the Church arising from three ecclesiastical discipline complaints filed under Title IV of the Church’s canons. A copy of the accord is HERE. The accord arises from conciliation, or mediation, of complaints which alleged that the respondent bishops, purporting to act in their official capacities as bishops of The Episcopal Church, caused to be filed or…
The Vision and Mission
Who We Are The Episcopal Diocese of Texas is a Christ centered community of congregations, diocesan staff, and ministry groups who welcome and support all people in worship, study, fellowship, and service. What We Do Diocesan staff and programs empower and equip congregations by encouraging participation by laity, bishop, priests, and deacons providing resources to support each congregation in its efforts toward excellence and diversity in worship, study, fellowship and service working together to ensure transparency and accountability. Read more…
Conciliation Meeting Outcome Announced by The Episcopal Church
The outcome of a January conciliation meeting concerning complaints involving the Episcopal Dioceses of Fort Worth and Quincy has been announced, following the written agreement of all parties and acceptance by Presiding Bishop Katharine Jefferts Schori.
Lenten Reflection: Delight
When God sees us, God sees our uniqueness, our particularities, our peculiarities, our strengths, our weaknesses, etc. And God loves us for who we are, warts and all. – Br. Mark Brown Society of Saint John the Evangelist To Read More, Click Here Video not displaying? Click here to view: Question for Reflection: How will you take delight in yourself today? Comments: We welcome your comments on this video series. Click here to share thoughts. from Brother, Give Us…
Lenten Reflection: Desire
God is in our desire, behind our desire, before our desire, beyond our desire. God is using this potent, sometimes gnawing gift of desire – which springs from God’s own heart – to lead us, like with bread crumbs, to a door which we might not have otherwise chosen or even recognized in this life. Inside that door is home. – Br. Curtis Almquist Society of Saint John the Evangelist To Read More, Click Here Video not displaying? Click here…
Congregations start from nothing
How do you create sustainable projects/communities when you have nothing to start with? Read what Jonny Baker has to say about Becky Garrison’s book Starting from Zero with $0.
Congregations partnering with ECBF
A group of Episcopal Diocese of Fort Worth congregations will be partnering with the Episcopal Church Building Fund (ECBF) in the coming year, participating in the Recasting of Building Assets process. The project focuses on congregations who wish to deepen their connection to their community and to build mission and value, as well as develop financial self-sustainability through the creative use of building assets.
Thriving in Change offers discernment opportunity
Is your congregation wrestling with an issue, trying to make a decision? Bring a group to Advent Lutheran on Saturday, April 6, to learn a practice that will help your members communicate more effectively while listening for God and each other.
Transitions can be exciting and life-giving
Joseph Duggan, an Episcopal priest and fellow of the Episcopal Church Foundation, has created a Facebook page, “Congregational Seasons: A Resource for Transitions,” dedicated to supporting congregations in transition through resources, networking and best practices. It celebrates creative people around The Episcopal Church who have the vision and resources to assist congregations towards becoming vital and viable.