Posts by Steve Grenzow (Page 31)

Posts by Steve Grenzow (Page 31)

photo of Robert "Bob" Johnson

Bob Johnson obituary

Bob Johnson, husband of Linda Johnson, former diocesan registrar and assistant to the treasurer of the diocese, died Saturday, November 9, 2013. His funeral will be at 11 a.m. Saturday, November 16, at All Saints School Chapel, 9700 Saints Circle, Fort Worth, Texas 76108. There will be barbecue at the Johnson’s home, 7905 Sandy Shores Court, Fort Worth, TX, 76179, following the funeral. Read Bob Johnson’s obituary in the Fort Worth Star-Telegram published November 13, 2013.

Thanksgiving for Heroic Service

O Judge of the nations, we remember before you with grateful hearts the men and women of our country who in the day of decision ventured much for the liberties we now enjoy. Grant that we may not rest until all the people of this land share the benefits of true freedom and gladly accept its disciplines. This we ask in the Name of Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. –Book of Common Prayer 1979, p. 839 This prayer and thanksgiving is suitable for Veteran’s Day, Memorial…

Dutch organist and harpsichordist in concert Nov. 15 at All Saints’, Fort Worth

Dutch organist and harpsichordist Robert August will perform in concert at 7:30 pm, on Friday, November 15, 2013, at All Saints’ Episcopal Church, 5001 Crestline Road, Fort Worth. Dr. August will play All Saints’ magnificent 5 manual Garland Pipe Organ as well as the harpsichord.  Dr. August will be joined in the concert by his wife, the well-known flutist Dolores August. The program will include works by Poulenc, Telemann, Bach, Leclaire and others. A reception will follow the concert.  Admission is free with no…

C&C Overhaul Project seeks your input

The diocesan Constitution and Canons Committee is on target to complete by year’s end its review of the constitutions and canons (“C&C”) of the other 110 dioceses of The Episcopal Church (TEC), and is seeking input from the people of the diocese by December 31. How can you, as a leader of the church, help in this project?

Chancellor’s Corner offers good news

This new column will appear in each edition of the Good News to help local church leaders address some of the common legal and canonical issues that arise as we go about the important mission of leading our churches. On the legal and canonical front, there is much good news to report.

VTS debuts ‘Key Resources’

The Center for the Ministry of Teaching (CMT) at Virginia Theological Seminary has just created “Key Resources,” an online compilation of the best resources for and approaches to lifelong faith formation in the Episcopal Church and beyond.

Motion for rehearing – update

A brief update on the recent motion for rehearing: On Wednesday, October 23, the Texas Supreme Court requested that the ACNA parties file responses to the Episcopal parties’ motions for rehearing filed in the Fort Worth and Northwest Texas cases, respectively. The responses are due by November 7.

Motion for rehearing filed with Texas Supreme Court

On Friday, October 18 2013, attorneys for the Local Episcopal Parties and Congregations and attorneys for The Episcopal Church filed a motion for rehearing with the Texas Supreme Court of the case heard on direct appeal from the 141st District Court, Tarrant County. They laid out two points for rehearing: The Court’s retroactive application of neutral principles to this dispute is unconstitutional because the Court did not ‘clearly enunciate’ adoption of the neutral principles approach before this case. This Court should,…
photo of All Saints Episcopal Church in Fort Worth, Texas

Evensong October 27 at All Saints’ Episcopal Church in Fort Worth

The combined choirs of All Saints’ Episcopal Church and Grace First Presbyterian Church, Weatherford will sing Evensong at All Saints’ on Sunday, October 27 at 6:00 p.m. The choirs are directed by Frederick Grimes and Marialice Parish, respectively. Music will include an organ prelude on “Iam sol recedit igneus” by Bruce Simonds; Magnificat and Nunc dimittis in B-flat by Charles Villiers Stanford; and the anthem, Save us O Lord by Edward C. Bairstow. Admission is free, and a reception for…

Donate to Episcopal Relief & Development & double your impact!

Episcopal Relief & Development is launching a special opportunity to strengthen its work and mission of healing a hurting world.  During the 2013 Matching Gift Challenge, taking place between October 1 and December 6, 2013, all donations to Episcopal Relief & Development will be doubled! Thanks to a group of very generous supporters who have pledged $500,000 in matching funds, the impact of gifts of any size – online, via mail or by phone – will be matched dollar-for-dollar up…