Posts by Steve Grenzow (Page 28)

Posts by Steve Grenzow (Page 28)

Episcopal Presiding Bishop to visit St. Martin-in-the-Fields Episcopal Church February 9

National leader comes to suburban Texas church On Sunday, February 9, 2014, the Most Rev. Katharine Jefferts Schori, presiding bishop of The Episcopal Church, will visit St. Martin-in-the-Fields Episcopal Church. She will be with the people of St. Martin-in-the-Fields for Sunday school and for 10:30 a.m. worship, where she will preach and celebrate. There will be a reception following worship. All are welcome! Jefferts Schori serves as presiding bishop and primate of The Episcopal Church, which has dioceses in the…

Still time to register for the fifth anniversary celebration

Sign up by Feb. 3 in order to reserve your box lunch at the Diocese of Fort Worth’s Feb. 8 “Reimagining Our Church” gathering. Episcopalians from throughout the diocese will join together reimagining the church for the future, and will be joined by honored guests the Most Rev. Katharine Jefferts-Schori, presiding bishop of The Episcopal Church, and the Rev. Gay Clark Jennings, president of the House of Deputies.

Books offer preview of Steinke workshop

Peter Steinke will offer a two-part workshop for congregation leaders, “Growing in Faith Together – How Your Church Family Works,” April 4-5 and June 20-21. Steinke has suggested two books as foundational reading for teams who want to prepare for attending the workshop.

SSJE devotional shapes Lenten practice

The Society of St. John the Evangelist (SSJE) has created a series of two- to three-minute videos as the catalysts for your daily Lenten reflection. Signing up on the SSJE website (for free!) will bring the video and a daily reflection question to your email in-box.

All Saints’ offers Godly Play training

Godly Play training you can afford, in time and in money! Right here in Fort Worth at All Saints Episcopal Church! The core training is offered for commuters in three Saturday sessions, 9am to 5pm each day, on March 22, March 29, and April 5.

Explore abundance in aging

Deacon Janet Nocher, co-chair of the Abundant Living – Adventures in Aging conference, invites seniors, their family members, and caregivers to join her at Camp Allen Conference and Retreat Center, 18800 FM 362, Navasota, TX 77868, March 10-12 for this exploration of growing older abundantly.

Lutherans welcome you to Table Talks

Mark your calendars now for three opportunities to learn and share fellowship with lay and clergy leaders from the Northern Texas – Northern Louisiana Mission Area of the ELCA (Evangelical Lutheran Church in America). March 18, May 6, and September 23, our Lutheran brothers and sisters invite all from the Episcopal Diocese of Fort Worth to join in dreaming together about mission and ministry.

Join in Lent Madness

Are you preparing for the “’gesima’s,” those old-fashioned names for the three Sundays before Lent, marking 70-, 60-, and 50-days-before-Easter? Septuagesima, Sexagesima, and Quinquagesima have always been three of my favorite Sundays.

ECF offers free webinars

The Episcopal Church Foundation (ECF) is dedicated to assisting congregations to develop their leadership and financial resources. This coming month brings free web conferences on visioning, parish finances, year-round stewardship, and vestry orientation, all accessible via the web.

Letter from Bishop Rayford High on deanery restructuring

Dear Sisters and Brothers in Christ, Your diocesan Executive Council met this past Saturday, January 25, at St. Christopher Episcopal Church, Fort Worth, for our regularly scheduled gathering. The agenda also included business from the December meeting that was cancelled because of the icy weather. I want to report to you all an important decision we made. As I have said in previous letters and statements, I believe we need a deanery structure that is honest about where we are…

Position open – administrative assistant for the Episcopal Diocese of Fort Worth

UPDATE: no further applications are being accepted. The Episcopal Diocese of Fort Worth is searching for a well-qualified person to fill an important role in the diocesan office, located in east Fort Worth. This is a full-time, non-exempt position. The salary range is $18-20 per hour, depending on experience, with paid pension contribution (after six months retroactive to date of employment) and health insurance for employee. Other benefits include two weeks paid leave and paid holidays. Qualifications: Excellent interpersonal skills…

Registration for Reimagining Our Church Event

The Episcopal Diocese of Fort Worth will gather on February 8 at University Christian Church in Fort Worth to reimagine what “being church” means. Presiding Bishop Katherine Jefferts Schori and House of Deputies President Gay Jennings will be present. More information can be found here. Use the form below to register for this event.  Registration has closed.  

Choir members sought for Eucharist at Reimagining Our Church event

Debora Clark, Organist/Director of Music at Trinity Episcopal Church in Fort Worth, is seeking choir members from around the diocese to offer their talents to lead the music for the worship service that closes the Reimagining Our Church event. Clark says, “Our hope is to fill the choir pews at University Christian Church with talented choristers who regularly sing in churches around the diocese.” Two rehearsals are scheduled: 3-4 pm Sunday, January 26 and 3-4 pm Sunday, February 2. Rehearsals…

Childcare for Reimagining Our Church event – UPDATED 2/6/2014

Childcare for children up to 10 years of age will be available for attendees of Reimagining Our Church on Saturday, February 8, 2014. Reservations for childcare must be made by Monday, February 3 so that adequate staff is ensured. University Christian Church has graciously agreed to provide their childcare workers and facilities to our gathering. Their qualifications for childcare workers include a background check and the equivalent of our Safeguarding God’s Children training. UPDATED 2/6/2014: Childcare will be provided to…

TREC task force members join diocesan Reimagining Our Church event

Julia Ayala Harris of the Episcopal Diocese of Florida and Margaret B. Shannon of the Episcopal Diocese of Texas, both members of the Task Force for Reimagining the Episcopal Church (TREC) will join the Reimagining Our Church event hosted by the Episcopal Diocese of Fort Worth on February 8, 2014. Katie Sherrod, communications director for the Episcopal Diocese of Fort Worth, a diocesan deputy to the General Convention of The Episcopal Church, and a member of the Executive Council of…