Posts by Steve Grenzow (Page 18)

Posts by Steve Grenzow (Page 18)

Wise County Episcopalians begin worshiping

Wise County Episcopalians and other interested people gathered Thursday March 12 for a second meeting about initiating an Episcopal presence in the area. After lunch at Sweetie Pies Ribeyes restaurant in Decatur, the group took a short field trip of a few b locks to see the historic Episcopal Mission of the Ascension, currently functioning as a wedding chapel.             A Texas State Historical Survey Committee medallion on the front door of the church noted its heritage as…

Resources for March 21 training day

Resources are now available in preparation for the March 21, 2015,  Leadership Inspiration and Training Day for lay and ordained, volunteer and elected leaders throughout the diocese. Register here. The format of this training event will follow the “flipped classroom” model: Read about a flipped classroom Watch a video on a flipped classroom Because a flipped classroom moves instruction and problem-solving into the workshop itself, it asks more preparation before participants show up. The documents linked below offer a selection…

Pat High, rest in peace

Dear Friends in Christ, It is with deep sadness that we share news of Pat High’s death this morning.  She died at home at about 5:00 a.m. Please keep Bishop High and their children, Allison, Leslie and Rayford B., and their grandchildren in your prayers. Details about service arrangements and other plans for the celebration of Pat’s life will be forthcoming soon. We trust in God’s mercy at this tender time, knowing that Pat is resting in peace and rising…

Register for Leadership Inspiration & Training Day

Sign up today to attend the 2015 Leadership Inspiration and Training Day on Saturday, March 21, where you’ll enjoy training sessions on money, communications & technology, and growth.  What’s different about this day is that you bring the topics you need help with – the real-life challenges you wrestle with in your ministry – and we’ll work on them together. Complete all the fields below and click “Register” once. If your information is complete, and you didn’t miss any fields, a message in…

Women of the Passion to be heard at St. Luke’s, Fort Worth

St. Luke’s in the Meadow Episcopal Church, Fort Worth, invites the public to a worship service featuring Women of the Passion, A Journey to the Cross at 5 pm Sunday, March 15. Women from Scripture narrate the story of Christ’s Passion, and station by station, the congregation will accompany Jesus in the traditional 14 Stations of the Cross. Composer, musician, and singer Ana Hernandez will lead short musical reflections and responses at each station during the worship service. Readers will give voice to the women who tell…

Churches in the snow

Here is a selection of photos we received. See more snow photos in our diocesan Flickr album, and in Trinity’s Flickr album.

Reflecting on winter weather

Lent is an interruption in our normal habits. This season of the church year invites us to think and interact more intentionally and with greater awareness of ourselves and of the world around us. In Texas, snow and ice also interrupt our routines. So on a snowy Lenten day, where are your reflections taking you? In addition to inviting photos of our churches in the snow, we also invite reflections on anything the weather brings to your attention. What does the snow…

Leadership Inspiration & Training Day – Saturday, March 21

This story was updated on March 6 with links to resources. Are you: an elected or appointed leader in your congregation? a leader who hasn’t been elected or appointed? a paid or volunteer worker-bee who needs more information to be effective? wrestling with a particular question about managing parish money? wrestling with some parish communication issue ranging from pew sheets to websites to social media? wanting to compare ideas and collaborate with others about how to make your congregation grow?…

Call for art – diocesan exhibit will feature Lent, Holy Week

Artists around the diocese are invited to contribute work to a diocesan art exhibit exploring Lent and Holy Week. The art will be on display in the diocesan office at 4301 Meadowbrook Drive, Fort Worth, 76103. People can visit the exhibit during diocesan office hours, 9:00 am – 4:00 pm, Monday through Friday, March 12 – April 10.. The show will be the first in a series of exhibits at the diocesan office focused around themes of the liturgical calendar. If…

Funding for the Future update

The slide show above can be viewed in your browser or on your mobile device. If you want to move through the slides more quickly or back up, use the arrow buttons at the bottom left side of the viewer. If you want to stop on a slide, push the pause button. You may also download the presentation to your computer to view it or to present to your congregation by clicking the gear wheel icon.
stained glass image with Funding for the Future Campaign as words

Funding for the Future – What happens next?

Now that the planning study for the Funding for the Future campaign has concluded, here’s a brief look at where we are in the process, including what has been done so far and what happens next. View a slide show for an overview. Here is a timeline of the process so far, and looking slightly ahead to a decision point: September – Bishop High holds a preliminary meeting to ask people to serve on a campaign committee. October – The committee reviews consulting…

Technology workgroups offer hands-on help

When a group from St. Alban’s Episcopal Church in Arlington requested help learning to do more with their website, an idea was born: hands-on technology workgroups. Members of St. Alban’s who are involved with the church’s communications formats – WordPress website, Facebook, and the e-newsletter – invited diocesan communications staff to come work with them on Tuesday, February 10, with a follow-up session Wednesday, February 11. Six members of St. Alban’s arrived at Theatre Arlington, tech devices in hand, ready to work. Peter Polk…
Wordart image of Common Purpose - Sharing God's Mission

Common Purpose – February 2015

Welcome to the online edition of Common Purpose, a bi-monthly print publication of the Episcopal Diocese of Fort Worth. In this issue: From Bishop High – For Lent, take something on St. Alban’s, Arlington, welcomes new priest Visit ERD’s photo exhibit in Dallas or online General Convention meets this summer in Salt Lake City Print a copy to share: Download a PDF of the February 2015 Common Purpose Subscribe or change your address: We’re here to help you! The Episcopal Diocese of…

For Lent, take something on

by Rayford B. High, Jr. I don’t know about you, but it seems to me that 2015 is moving along very quickly. Ash Wednesday is February 18!  Lent, with all its blessings, is upon us. Over my years in ministry, I have found spiritual growth and value in using Lent to spend less time worrying about me and instead focusing on others, especially those who have not been given the opportunities I have as an Episcopalian in this country. How…

St. Alban’s, Arlington, welcomes new priest

The Rev. Kevin Johnson, rector of St. Peter’s Episcopal Church, in Washington, NC, has been called as the new priest-in-charge of St. Alban’s Episcopal Church in Arlington, meeting in Theatre Arlington. It is a homecoming for Johnson. He grew up in Arlington, was confirmed at St. Alban’s, and graduated from Nolan High School. He graduated from the University of Texas, served in the U. S. Army Corps of Engineers, and worked as an assistant professor of ROTC at Texas State…

Visit ERD’s photo exhibit in Dallas or online

Learn more about Episcopal Relief and Development’s 75 years of worldwide work by visiting their traveling anniversary photo exhibit, which will be at the Episcopal School of Dallas, 4100 Merrell Rd., Dallas, 75229, March 19 to April 2, noon to 7 p.m. Or visit it online here.