Posts by Steve Grenzow (Page 17)

Posts by Steve Grenzow (Page 17)

Historic Episcopal Mission to host Episcopal worship again

At 10 am on Sunday, May 17, 2015, Episcopalians in Wise County will begin worshiping regularly in an historic Episcopal Mission in Decatur. The Rev. Bruce Coggin will preside at Holy Eucharist, appropriately enough just after Ascension Day. The church was started as the Episcopal Mission of the Ascension in 1889 by the Rt. Rev. A. C. Garrett, noted missionary bishop of northern Texas. The small white building at 905 S. Church Street in Decatur had been operating as a wedding…
Logo Episcopal Relief & Development

Update on Episcopal Relief & Development’s Response to Nepal Earthquake

Shared by Episcopal Relief and Development Episcopal Relief & Development is responding to immediate needs for food, shelter and clean water in earthquake-impacted Nepal through the ecumenical ACT Alliance, and is exploring further opportunities for action through other partners in the region. The organization is in contact with the Anglican Diocese of West Malaysia regarding its appeal for the work of the Deanery of Nepal (part of the Diocese of Singapore), and may also support partners in northern India and…

Taste of Trinity fundraiser May 29

Mark your calendars: Trinity Episcopal Church will hold a Taste of Trinity fundraiser on Friday, May 29 from 6 to 9 pm in the parish hall. The event includes a meal and wine tasting featuring selections from Lost Oak Winery in nearby Burleson, Texas. The fundraiser will help Trinity fulfill its vision of strengthening parish systems and structure. SILENT AND LIVE AUCTION ITEMS INCLUDE… Golf outing for four: Mira Vista Country Club Weekend getaway at Bishop Hulsey’s Weatherford ranch Membership for two: Stage West…

Prayer for those affected by the Nepal earthquake

Lord, who is our shepherd, We pray for the people of Nepal in this time of want. Guide those who grieve to still waters; restore their soul. Lead those who are searching to the right places. Comfort those who are trapped in the darkest valley of fear. May generosity and compassion overflow in response so that goodness and mercy may follow all who will live in the shadow of this earthquake. May they dwell in secure houses and know healing…

Offer your gratitude on May 17 through the United Thank Offering

Each year, the United Thank Offering (UTO) receives contributions that go toward funding grants for a wide range of outreach projects through the Episcopal Church across the country and around the world. Many people adopt the UTO’s model as a spirtual discipline to help themselves stay mindful of the many blessings in life that might otherwise go unnoticed. If you pick up a blue UTO box, you can begin this practice anytime, offering small contributions and prayers of thanks to God…
logo and chalkboard image for St. Martin's Episcopal School fundraiser

St. Martin’s Episcopal School Annual Fundraiser

St. Martin-in-the-Fields Episcopal Church and School invites you to its annual fundraiser for St. Martin’s Episcopal School from 6 to 9 pm Saturday, May 16, in St. Martin’s education building at 223 South Pearson Lane, Keller, Texas.  You’ll enjoy a night of fun, food, and fellowship with dinner, cocktail hour (cash bar), online silent auction, live auction, raffles, and announcement of silent auction winners! This fundraiser will benefit a new outside learning center, expansion of St. Martin’s Episcopal School to…

WORD: On being a branch

Dear Friends in Christ – Today begins a new weekly blog series for the Diocese of Fort Worth: WORD. This offering in Beauty & Bravery is a spiritual refresher, an opportunity to breathe in something of God’s Word in the middle of the week. The scripture passages that will be referenced in these short meditations will be from the readings for the upcoming Sunday, preparing our hearts for the Word we’ll hear together at church on Sunday. Guest authors are…
Bishop High at St. Martin-in-the-Fields Episcopal Church in Keller/Southake

Bishop High visits St. Martin-in-the-Fields in Keller/Southlake

The Rt. Rev. Rayford B. High, Jr., bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of Fort Worth, visited St. Martin-in-the-Fields Episcopal Church, Keller, on Sunday, April 26, 2016. Bishop High preached on Jesus as the Good Shepherd, making clear that we are important, valued, and loved by Christ, and that as hard-hearted as we’ve been, as lost as we’ve been, Jesus is seeking us; there’s nothing that can’t be resurrected through Jesus. Watch his sermon: Bishop High baptized Darcy and Bradley Sara, and…

Episcopal Relief and Development responds to Nepal earthquake

Episcopal Relief and Development has posted a statement about the devastating 7.8 magnitude earthquake that struck Nepal on April 25. They identify urgent needs and assessment efforts. Episcopal Relief and Development is working with ACT Alliance and talking to other local partners about how to help, including the Deanery of Nepal, the Diocese of Singapore, the Diocese of West Malaysia, CASA in northern India, and Amity in southwest China. The Rev. Janet Nocher, diocesan coordinator for Episcopal Relief and Development, urges that people contribute to the relief effort through…

Convention Registration Form

Registration for the May 16 Special Meeting of Convention is now closed. If you would still like to let us know you’re coming or have any questions about registration, please contact the diocesan office.
photo of Bishop Mayer

Standing Committee announces nominee for Provisional Bishop

The Standing Committee of the Episcopal Diocese of Fort Worth, a group of elected clergy and lay leaders, announced on April 10, 2015, that the Rt. Rev. J. Scott Mayer, bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of Northwest Texas, is the nominee for the next provisional bishop of Fort Worth. The Rt. Rev. Rayford B. High, Jr., provisional bishop of Fort Worth, has called a special meeting of the convention at which the diocese’s clergy and lay representatives will vote on…

Bishop High writes to the diocese

Dear Friends in Christ, As I announced earlier, I have called for a special meeting of Convention on May 16, at Trinity Episcopal Church, Fort Worth, for the purpose of electing a provisional bishop to succeed me. I want to share with you some thoughts of how I came to this decision. First, at the 2014 November Convention, I asked our Standing Committee to look into any and all creative approaches to the office of bishop for us in Fort Worth. I know…

Bishop calls a Special Meeting of Convention – May 16, 2015

Dear Sisters and Brothers in Christ, In accordance with Article 4 of the Constitution of the Diocese of Fort Worth, I am calling a Special Meeting of Convention for the purpose of electing a Provisional Bishop. I have set the date for May 16, Saturday, beginning at 10 a.m., Trinity Episcopal Church, Fort Worth.  I have notified the Presiding Bishop’s office of my intention. This notification of the Special Convention falls within the 30 day time frame as specified in Article 4.…

Stations of the Cross at the Episcopal Church of Hamilton County

Members at the Episcopal Church of Hamilton County created crosses during Lent in preparation for Holy Week. The crosses reflect a wide range of artistic styles. They are displayed in the field next to the church where, at 6 pm on Good Friday, the congregation has invited the community to join them in the Stations of the Cross.  

Put on your gardening gloves at St. Luke’s in the Meadow

Members at St. Luke in the Meadow Episcopal Church and residents in the surrounding neighborhood got their hands dirty Saturday preparing and planting in the church’s community garden plots. There are 20 square spaces in the church’s garden, and some have already been planted with flowers, fruit, and vegetables, but others are available. “If you don’t have a spot to garden or a little patch of your own, come join us,” invites Lydia Hiatt, a member at St. Luke’s and an avid gardener. “All are…

2014 Canons

Download the final form of the 2014 Canons of the Episcopal Diocese of Fort Worth. There is also a redline copy available, showing the strikethroughs and additions that were made.