Posts by Steve Grenzow (Page 15)

Posts by Steve Grenzow (Page 15)

Update regarding Supersedeas Order

On August 18, 2015, the Hon. John P. Chupp signed an agreed supersedeas order in the diocesan case pending in the 141st District Court. The terms of the order are HERE. The required cash deposit was timely made by the Episcopal parties on Thursday, August 27. The case proceeds on appeal to the Fort Worth Court of Appeals.

St. Luke’s, Stephenville to host EfM Mentor Training

This first Education for Ministry (EfM) Mentor Training in the Episcopal Diocese of Fort Worth is scheduled for September 11 – 13 at St. Luke’s Episcopal Church in Stephenville. Sixteen trainees have registered from the dioceses of West Texas, Dallas, Northwest Texas, and Fort Worth. Some are experienced mentors returning to established seminar groups, and others hope to start new EfM seminar groups in their congregations. The trainers are sent from around the country by the Beecken Center of the School of Theology at the University of the South in Sewanee, Tennessee.…

See “Hello Dolly!” and benefit local charities

St. Alban’s meeting at Theatre Arlington is sponsoring a September 10 benefit performance of Theatre Arlington’s “Hello, Dolly!” and invites everyone in the diocese to attend. The event, an exclusive preview of the performance, will help support outreach programs like Crow Elementary School and the Arlington Life Shelter. The performance stars Persis Ann Forster as the incomparable iconic matchmaker, Dolly Gallagher Levi. The evening begins with a reception at 6:30 p.m., and show time is 7:30 p.m. Tickets are $25…

Preaching Planning Workshop on September 17

Our ELCA brothers and sisters in the Northern Texas – Northern Louisiana Mission Area have invited our clergy to attend their fall Preaching Planning Workshop on from  9 am to 4 pm on September 17, 2015, at Christ Evangelical Lutheran Mission Center at Briarwood Retreat Center in Argyle, Texas. The workshop will help pastors get a leg up on Advent and Christmas sermons. The workshop will focus on scripture study and preaching preparation for Advent and Christmas, and will include…

The Rev. Susan Slaughter serving as assisting priest at St. Martin-in-the-Fields, Keller

St. Martin-in-the-Fields Episcopal Church in the Keller/Southlake area welcomes the Rev. Susan Slaughter to its staff as an assisting priest. Slaughter’s ministry will include pastoral care, preaching and celebrating the Holy Eucharist, and some teaching. “As our church is growing and our needs are expanding, we are delighted to welcome Susan as part of our team,” says the Rev. Scot McComas, St. Martin’s rector. Slaughter has come to St. Martin-in-the-Fields after many years of serving as a priest and deacon in our…

Explore the Holy Land – Trinity invites pilgrims from across the diocese

Trinity Episcopal Church is organizing a group to attend the “Palestine of Jesus” pilgrimage course at St. George’s College Jerusalem this spring from February 23 to March 3, 2016. The trip is open to people from all congregations in the diocese. The 10-day course is $2,330 (includes course and housing fees). Trinity organizers have to submit a $300 deposit for each attendee by August 15. Deposits can be made by leaving a check in the church office at Trinity or by completing…

General Convention Deputation shares what happened

Greetings from your deputation to General Convention! It was an honor to represent the Diocese of Fort Worth in the recent historic gathering of the church. As part of our responsibility, we have reviewed the work of the Convention and identified the resolutions requiring action from our various ministries. Please review the document (click on this link)  with an emphasis on the “responsible party” identified by each resolution. The ministry you lead could be the subject of many of the resolutions…

Owanah Anderson publishes 400th edition of Joyful News Notes

Owanah Anderson, publisher of the weekly newsletter “Joyful News Notes” for The Episcopal Church in Wichita Falls, talked with Tracie Middleton this week about reaching the milestone of 400 editions.  I hear that you are putting out the 400th edition of “Joyful News Notes” this week. How did the “Joyful” get started? “It’s funny you called; I’m working on it right now, and I was just thinking about that.” Anderson recalled a series of negative events leading up to the eventual…

Venture ‘Into the Woods’…and help some good causes!

CandleWater Players is presenting the fractured fairy tale musical Into the Woods July 24-26 and July 31-August 2. Performances will be at Paschal High School’s Little Theatre, 3001 Forest Park Blvd, Fort Worth. Friday and Saturday shows are at 7:30 p.m. and Sunday performances are at 3 p.m. Tickets are on sale: $10 for students and $15 for adults. You may purchase tickets or make donations online or call the box office: 817-523-1995. Trinity Episcopal Church in Fort Worth is sponsoring the production;…

Nominations committee invites nominees for open positions to be filled at 2015 Diocesan Convention

Nominations are now open for five positions that will be filled at the 2015 Convention of the Episcopal Diocese of Fort Worth in Fort Worth, Texas, on November 13 and 14. Diocesan members are invited to read, pray, and discern if they know someone to nominate, or if they are called to offer themselves in nomination, for any of the elected positions described below. Nominations may be made by another person with the candidate’s permission or by the candidate on…

You’re invited to an open forum on Canon revisions at Trinity on July 16

Do you have questions or comments about proposed changes and additions to the canons of the diocese? Come to an open forum at 6:30 pm on Thursday, July 16 in the parish hall of Trinity Episcopal Church. The forum, moderated by the Rev. Courtland Moore, is anticipated to last no longer than two hours. Members of the Constitution and Canons committee will be present to hear your thoughts and answer questions on the canon revision process. People from across the diocese have been sending…

The Episcopal Diocese of Fort Wort welcomes Bishop Scott Mayer… to Facebook

As part of our welcome for our new provisional bishop, the Rt. Rev. Scott Mayer, we’ve created a Facebook page for him. Using Facebook, the people in our diocese can learn more about him, and people in the Diocese of Northwest Texas and around the world can continue to experience the richness of his ministry. Bishop Mayer’s Facebook page will be administered by the communications office of the Episcopal Diocese of Fort Worth, not regularly by Bishop Mayer himself, though he has some activity…

Congratulations Bishop Curry!

The Rt. Rev. Michael B. Curry was elected presiding bishop of The Episcopal Church on Saturday, June 27, 2015, at the 78th General Convention in Salt Lake City. Bishops Rayford B. High, Jr., and Scott Mayer participated in the election and deputies from Fort Worth were among those voting to confirm the election. Watch how it happened, and hear what our bishops had to say in this video:

Multicultural Alliance invites you to Fort Worth citywide call to prayer June 30

From Tarrant Churches Together, a message from Fort Worth Mayor Betsy Price and the Multicultural Alliance: Dear friends, In light of the recent tragedy in Charleston, our city has responded with a unified outpouring of sympathy, compassion, support and prayer. There have been a number of prayer vigils and memorials in churches and in gatherings all over the city. Many of the leaders in our faith community have expressed the need for a citywide call to prayer, and I couldn’t…

The Rev. Tony Hiatt assigned to serve in Wise County

The Rev. Tony Hiatt has been assigned by the Rt. Rev. Rayford B. High, Jr. to serve as priest-in-charge of the Episcopal community forming in Wise County, starting in August. Ellen Whitley, who spearheaded the effort to create an Episcopal presence in Wise County, announced the news to those gathered for Morning Prayer on Sunday, June 28. “Everyone’s eyes got really big,” she said, when she told them they would soon be having the services of a priest every week. “We…