Posts by Steve Grenzow (Page 13)

Posts by Steve Grenzow (Page 13)

The Longest Night – a service of remembrance on December 19

St. Martin-in-the-Fields Episcopal Church in Keller/Southlake invites you to a service of remembrance, The Longest Night, at 5 pm on December 19, 2015. The holidays are often the loneliest time of the year for those who have experienced recent loss in their lives. These losses can be the death of a loved one, loss of a job, divorce, death of a dear pet, loss of health, or any of the other losses people deal with. The Longest Night service allows us to grieve…

2015 Canons

Download the 2015 Canons of the Episcopal Diocese of Fort Worth The amended and restated Canons of the Episcopal Diocese of Fort Worth were adopted at the 2015 Diocesan Convention. They became effective at the end of Convention November 14, 2015. Previous version: 2014 Canons (no longer in effect)

2015 Constitution

DOWNLOAD THE 2015 CONSTITUTION The amended and restated Constitution of the Episcopal Diocese of Fort Worth was approved on a first reading at the 2014 Diocesan Convention and approved on a second reading at the 2015 Diocesan Convention. The current document became effective at the end of Convention November 14, 2015.   Previous version: 2013 Constitution (no longer in effect)

Advent resources for 2015

Do you want to add meaning and joy to your Advent journey, as you prepare your heart for Christmastide in hopeful expectation? Online resources can provide some inspiration in the midst of your busyness Watch a video Advent message from Bishop Scott Mayer. AdventWord from SSJE   AdventWord offers a great way to reflect on one little word each day, and respond with images and prayers that speak to your heart. There are at least four ways you can use AdventWord: You can…

Lutherans host forum on gun laws in relation to houses of worship

Are you wondering how the recently passed Texas gun laws may affect churches and other houses of worship? Our Lutheran neighbors in the Northern Texas – Northern Louisiana Mission Area of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) are hosting a forum, “Weapons in Worship?” to address some of these questions. The event is Tuesday, December 1 from 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. at the Christ Evangelical Lutheran Mission Center at Briarwood, located in Argyle. Registration to attend in person is $12…

Trinity to celebrate with Lutheran neighbors for Thanksgiving

Trinity Episcopal Church will join with five neighboring Lutheran churches for a Thanksgiving Eve Service this year. Trinity will join with five area Lutheran churches: Faith, Grace, St. Matthew’s, San Gabriel and Trinity Lutheran. Trinity will host the service, scheduled for Wednesday, November 25 at 7:00 pm. After the service, attendees will gather in the Parish Hall at Trinity for a pie potluck. If you would like to bring a pie, Trinity has a sign-up sheet. All are welcome!

Syrian refugee webinars; message from Presiding Bishop Curry

The Episcopal Church is moving to educate, inspire, and motivate our church about the current situation with Syrian refugees. Two educational webinars will be presented: Thursday, November 18, and Monday, November 23. Presiding Bishop Michael Curry writes to us about fear and presses that we stand on the solid ground of our faith as we carry out the words of Jesus who told us to be a neighbor to those in need. Read about the webinars and read Bishop Curry’s statement.…

Invite – Welcome – Connect seminar promoted evangelism and relationship building

How congregations invite, welcome, and connect people are vital steps for building healthy, vibrant and growing churches, ensuring not only that “The Episcopal Church Welcomes You” is a reality, but that people don’t leave by the church’s back door. On Saturday, November 7, more than 40 people from six congregations in the diocese gathered at Trinity Episcopal Church in Fort Worth for an Invite-Welcome-Connect seminar by congregational development coach Mary Parmer. Mrs. Becky McKneely of St. Stephen’s Episcopal Church in…

Top ten things you might hear in a Michael Curry sermon

Have you had the opportunity to hear The Episcopal Church’s Presiding Bishop Michael Curry preach? If so, you will probably enjoy this top ten list put together by the Standing Committee of the Episcopal Diocese of North Carolina as an affectionate tribute and presented to Bishop Curry the night before his installation as presiding bishop. The top ten things you are likely to hear in a Michael Curry sermon 10. This morning I lift my text from… EVERYONE: Anywhere but today’s…

St. Stephen’s, Hurst offers Little Free Library to community

St. Stephen’s in Hurst has installed a Little Free Library. Small boxes of books like this one are part of a world-wide network to promote literacy. They can be found in public places and in front of homes. The network is monitored and publicized by The idea is to share good things to read. The collection of donated books belongs to everybody. Any passerby is welcome to take a book. It can be returned to any Little Free Library or…

St. Martin’s cancels community Festival in the Fields on October 31

UPDATED, event cancelled:  With another round of soaking rain moving in to make fields soggy, St. Martin-in-the-Fields Episcopal Church has cancelled its fourth annual Festival in the Fields community festival on October 31, 2015. The festival was originally scheduled for October 24, but stormy weather forced rescheduling. The festival will not be rescheduled again in 2015. St. Martin-in-the-Fields is a welcoming, growing suburban church that sits between Keller and Southlake. The people of St.Martin’s are eager welcome all from far and wide, for fun and for worship. Map to St.…

Live webcasts of the presiding bishop’s vigil celebration and installation

The Installation of the Rt. Rev. Michael Bruce Curry as the 27th presiding bishop and primate of The Episcopal Church will be Sunday, November 1, 2015, with a vigil service on Saturday, October 31. Curry was elected and confirmed at the 78th General Convention on June 27 in Salt Lake City. According to the Canons of The Episcopal Church, he assumes this role on November 1. Saturday, October 31 All are invited to join a Vigil Celebration and Eucharist, sponsored by the Union…

Tarrant Churches Together honoring Coach Robert Hughes

Tarrant Churches Together, an interdenominational organization of churches in the Tarrant County area, will honor Coach Robert Hughes, father of the Rev. Carlye Hughes, rector of Trinity, Fort Worth, on Thursday, October 29, 2015. They will do so at their 2015 “Founded on Faith” banquet, 6:30-8:30 pm at the Lena Pope Amon Carter Center. Hughes has been a long-time member of St. Simon’s Episcopal Church. Born in Bristow, Oklahoma, in 1928, he moved to Fort Worth after graduating from the…

Reporting a fake Facebook account

Recently, someone set up a fake Facebook personal profile pretending to be a member of our clergy here in the Diocese of Fort Worth; the spelling of the name was just one letter off. Some friends of the real person had accepted friend requests from the fake profile, however, and when they realized it was a fake, they helped get it taken down. So, what’s the best course of action in a situation like this? Our Social Media Coordinator, Susan Kleinwechter, offers these tips:…

Prepare for pre-convention deanery meetings

It is time for pre-convention deanery meetings. Delegates, voting clergy members, alternates, and youth representatives should attend in order to be best prepared for the business they will handle as members of the convention November 13,14 at the Botanic Garden Center. The latest information on the budget and proposed changes to the constitution and canons will be presented and elections to various offices representing the deaneries for the coming year will be held. Deans and sub-deans are welcome to use…

Men – reflect and explore at a one-day retreat Nov. 7

Join with other men seeking to pursue their spiritual purpose and meaning in an ever-changing world. Trinity Episcopal Church will host a one-day men’s retreat Saturday, November 7 from 9:00 am to 4:00 pm and encourages men of all ages and stages of life to attend. This gathering will provide time for self-reflection, spiritual exploration, inquiry, group discussion and relationship building. The discussion will focus on topics relevant to men’s lives, while also taking time to enjoy the wonderful beauty of the botanic gardens. A…