Posts by Steve Grenzow (Page 12)

Posts by Steve Grenzow (Page 12)

Crafton leads retreat on “The Courage to Grow Old”

“Everybody knows that getting old is not for sissies. You have to be tough to last as long as some of us have!” Barbara Crafton, Episcopal priest and author of The Courage to Grow Old, will share her wit and wisdom. Trinity Episcopal Church invites other Episcopalians who have some mileage, as well as those who care about them, to join Crafton for a retreat on Saturday, February 13. TENTATIVE SCHEDULE OF EVENTS 9 to 9:30 a.m.: Coffee and guest check-in 9:30 a.m.: Welcome and first address, “The…

Internship opportunities

Check out the video below for a brief overview of the Jubilee Urban Intern Program and the Episcopal Urban Intern Program. The programs are open to young adults ages 21-29 who have a bachelors degree. View the job listing on the diocesan Job Board.

More resources for Lent

We are delighted to share two additional Lenten resources. Praying in color for a personal devotion Praying in Color offers adults and children a way to mark the day-by-day journey of Lent daily praying & drawing with a calendar template. The author says, “It doesn’t involve making false promises to myself about sitting down for thirty minutes a day and praying/studying/meditating and then feeling guilty when I fail… I think of each mark or stroke of color as a wordless prayer.”…

Resources for Lent

Updated March 1, 2019 Lent begins with Ash Wednesday – this year on March 6, 2019. Several organizations offer materials for personal or group Lenten devotions; here are a few options to guide and enrich your reflection. The Way of Love This Lent, Bishop Scott Mayer has urged us to make use of the Rule of Life our presiding bishop, Michael Curry, has offered to us — the Way of Love. The Episcopal Church Center staff has developed a huge variety…

Lisa Neilson and Lynne Waltman to be ordained deacons at St. Martin-in-the-Fields

Bishop Scott Mayer will ordain Lisa Neilson and Lynne Waltman as deacons at 7 pm on Friday, January 15, at St. Martin-in-the-Fields Episcopal Church, Keller. A reception will follow. Lisa Neilson Lisa Neilson graduated from Syracuse University and spent nine years on active duty as an Army officer, then worked for BNSF Railway for over nineteen years. She met her husband, Bob, while serving in the Army in Korea, and they have been married for 27 years. They have two adult children.…

Support the mission and ministry of the Episcopal Diocese of Fort Worth

If you plan to make year-end contributions to your congregation and/or to the Episcopal Diocese of Fort Worth, now is the perfect time. Deadlines For tax purposes, the deadline for 2015 gifts is Thursday, December 31. In-person – If you plan to deliver your gift in person, either to the diocesan office or to your church office, you may want to confirm what hours a staff member, clergy person or volunteer will be there to receive your gift. The diocesan office will…

Presiding Bishop Michael Curry’s Christmas 2015 message

“As the words were spoken on that night when Jesus was born, peace, good will to all people, God bless you, God keep you,”  Episcopal Church Presiding Bishop and Primate Michael Curry says in his Christmas 2015 message.   December 22, 2015 Hello. Our original plan was for me to tape a Christmas message in front of the United Nations building in New York as a way of sending a message that this Jesus of Nazareth whom we follow came…

Good Shepherd, Granbury seeking music director

The Episcopal Church of the Good Shepherd in Granbury is seeking a part time Director of Music and Choir Master. There are many ways the position can be structured; duties will include selecting music, organizing, rehearsing and directing a new choir, and administrating several special music occasions throughout the year. Requirements include knowledge of and skill with mainline Protestant Christian hymnody, piano, choral conducting and church ethos. A degree in sacred music, familiarity with Episcopal churches and knowledge of computers…

Good Shepherd, Granbury brightens holidays for children in Hood County

On Wednesday, December 16, Hood County Christmas for Children distributed toys, books, bikes, beds, clothes and other gifts to more than 2,000 families. The members of the Episcopal Church of the Good Shepherd, Granbury support the highly-organized effort each year, donating gifts, volunteering to pack and organize gifts, and helping all day during distribution. Above, Barbara Snyder stands amid bags of gifts ready for distribution. Norm Snyder, Vice President of the organization and a member at Good Shepherd, has been volunteering for eight years and…

Executive Council approves 2016 convention site, awards grants

The Executive Council met Tuesday, December 8 at St. Christopher Episcopal Church, Fort Worth. The council approved the Fort Worth West Deanery‘s proposal for the venue for the 2016 diocesan convention, which will be held at All Saints’ Episcopal School. They passed two housing allowance resolutions and two resolutions related to recent changes inTexas gun laws, specifically a law allowing the open carry of weapons in churches. The council also approved grant requests from two congregations: St. Andrew’s, Fort Worth, and St. Alban’s,…

Presiding Bishop issues letter

The Presiding Bishop has issued the following letter to the staff of the Domestic and Foreign Missionary Society: December 11, 2015   Dear Friends,   I need to inform you that on Wednesday I placed on administrative leave Bishop Stacy Sauls, Chief Operating Officer, Samuel McDonald, Deputy Chief Operating Officer and Director of Mission, and Alex Baumgarten, Director of Public Engagement.  This is a result of concerns that have been raised about possible misconduct in carrying out their duties as…

Presiding Bishop resting after surgery

Presiding Bishop Michael Curry is resting comfortably following surgery on Tuesday, December 8. According to the presiding bishop, his family, and his medical team, the surgery went well, as had been expected. Bishop Curry is alert and awake, and a full recovery continues to be anticipated. Further information will continue to be released by the Presiding Bishop’s office. Further updates are not expected until Friday. Precious Lord, take our hands, lead us on, let us stand. Let us stand today…

St. Anne’s Guild hosts bake sale at All Saints’

The members of St. Anne’s Guild invite everyone to their Holiday Bake Sale this Sunday, Dec. 13 at All Saints’ Episcopal Church in Fort Worth. You’ll find delicious tamales, pralines, pies, cakes, brownies, gingerbread boys, handmade truffles and more. The sale will take place in DeWolfe Hall from 9:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Proceeds from the sale will benefit Christian education offerings.

Christmas Concert set for Dec. 13 at All Saints’

All Saints’ Episcopal Church in Fort Worth offers a Concert of Christmas Music on Sunday, December 13 from The program will feature harpist Yumiko Endo Schlaffer, Dallas Symphony violinist Andrew Schast, and All Saints’ organist and choirmaster Frederick Grimes playing with the All Saints’ Choir and a chamber orchestra. Admission is free with no tickets or reservations required, and a reception for everyone will follow the concert. For more information, call 817-732-1424 or visit

Andrew Ellison to be ordained deacon at St. Alban’s

God willing and the people consenting, Andrew Ellison will be ordained as a deacon at 7 pm on Wednesday, December 16 at St. Alban’s Episcopal Church, meeting in Theatre Arlington. Ellison was born and raised in the DFW metroplex. He graduated from Texas Tech University in 2007, studying Sociology. He worked for a company that provided services to individuals with developmental disabilities. Ellison has been married to his high school sweetheart, Casie Ellison, for 8 years. They have three children…