Posts by Katie Sherrod (Page 9)
Ash Wednesday and Lent 2021
UPDATED TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 16, 2021– In person imposition of ashes in the locations listed below have been canceled, with the exception of St. Martin-in-the-Fields, Keller, which will proceed as scheduled. Lent begins on Ash Wednesday and continues for 40 days (not counting Sundays) before culminating in Holy Week and Easter Sunday. Ash Wednesday is on February 17 this year. Easter Sunday is April 4. On Ash Wednesday, Episcopalians, along with many other Christians in different traditions, wear a smudgy cross…
Time to apply for Mission and Outreach Grants
NOTE: The deadline has been changed to Thursday, April 29, 2021. The address of the diocesan offices has changed. Scan the completed application and spreadsheets and email them to Otherwise, mail the completed form and spreadsheets to Mission & Outreach Committee, Episcopal Church of North Texas, P.O.Box 8695, Fort Worth, TX, 76124. Deadline for applications is March 31, 2021 April 29, 2021. Acknowledgment of receipt of applications will be emailed to you. The Episcopal Church in North Texas, through…
The Rev. Kevin Johnson on slate for bishop of South Carolina
The Rev. Kevin Johnson, rector of St. Alban’s, Theatre Arlington, is on the slate of candidates for the 15th bishop of South Carolina. The slate was announced Saturday, January 29. According to the South Carolina website, “Walkabouts and Candidate Conversations will be held in the Second Week of Easter occurring Monday, April 12 through Wednesday, April 14.” Much like the Diocese of Fort Worth, the Diocese of South Carolina has been through a schism and rebuilding process. “The Standing Committee…
Presiding Bishop Michael Curry’s word to the Church: “Who shall we be?”
[January 8, 2021] Episcopal Church Presiding Bishop Michael Curry has issued the following Word to the Church. Watch the video of the Presiding Bishop’s message here ( or below. A transcript of the statement is below the video: And now in the name of our loving, liberating, and life-giving God, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Amen. In another time of national crisis, another time of danger for our nation, in 1865 on March the fourth, Abraham Lincoln concluded his second inaugural address…
The Rev. Vernon Gotcher, Ph.D, died December 6, 2020
The Rev. Vernon Alfred Gotcher, Ph.D, died December 6, 2020. He was born July 21, 1932. He was preceded in death by his father, Vernon Alfred Gotcher, his mother Irma Gotcher, and his son, Stephen Gotcher. UPDATE I/14/2021 Deanna Gotcher died January 14, 2021. Information about a memorial service will be announced at a later date. He also is survived by his children John Gotcher, Nancy Gotcher, Mary Gotcher (life partner Faye Hudson), and Stephanie Matthews as well as grandchildren Laura…
[January 6, 2021] On this day of the Feast of the Epiphany, Episcopal Church Presiding Bishop Michael Curry invites Episcopalians and people of faith to turn and pray on behalf of our nation. Watch the video of the Presiding Bishop’s statement here ( Read Bishop Mayer’s statement calling the diocese to prayer. A transcript of the statement follows: Today is January the 6th, 2021. It is the Feast of the Epiphany. And on this particular day at this particular moment, even as our…
Bishop Mayer calls the diocese to prayer
Bishop Scott Mayer calls the diocese into prayer in the wake of events in Washington, DC. Read Presiding Bishop Curry’s call to prayer. ******* Today, on the Feast of the Epiphany, we are reminded that God is with us. It is a timely reminder in the midst of the disturbing news reports from Washington. As the legally mandated processes for a peaceful transfer of power were playing out, they were abruptly interrupted as the U. S. Capitol was put on…
Diocesan worship services 2021
This page contains information about online worship services, the link for downloading worship leaflets, and links to sermons preached at the diocesan online services for 2021. As we continue to worship online, it is vital to remember that the Church is not closed. Some of our buildings are closed to the public, and in-person worship has been suspended in our congregations as we work to care for one another, especially the most vulnerable among us. But God is with us.…
Online worship leaflets 2021
Download worship leaflets here: Click here for the Seventh Sunday of Easter, May 16, 2021. Click here for the Sixth Sunday of Easter, May 9, 2021. Click here for the Fifth Sunday of Easter, May 2, 2021. Click here for the Fourth Sunday of Easter, April 25, 2021. Click here for the Third Sunday of Easter, April 18, 2021. Click here for the Second Sunday of Easter, April 11, 2021. Click here for Easter Sunday, April 4, 2021. Click here…
Blue Christmas service December 17
The Episcopal Diocese of Fort Worth is offering a Blue Christmas worship service at 7 pm, December 17, 2020, on the Diocese of Fort Worth YouTube Channel and at . In normal times, Christmas can be a hard season for people who have experienced loss or whose lives don’t match the cultural images of the season. This year the coronavirus pandemic has caused losses not only through the death of loved ones, but also with the loss of jobs, the loss…
Ted Clarkson to be ordained transitional deacon December 18
By the grace of God and with the consent of the people, on behalf of the Rt. Rev.J. Scott Mayer, the Rt. Rev. J. Neil Alexander will ordain Ted Hamby Clarkson, Jr., to the Sacred Order of Deacons at 3 pm Friday, December 18, 2020, in All Saints’ Chapel, the University of the South, Sewanee, TN. Clarkson’s father, the Rev. Ted Clarkson, will be the preacher. The ordination will be live streamed via Vimeo. Following the live stream, the ordination…
Paula Jefferson to be ordained priest December 15, 2020
By the grace of God and with the consent of the people, The Rt. Rev. Scott Mayer, Bishop of the Diocese of Fort Worth, will ordain Paula Kaye Jefferson to the sacred order of priests In Christ’s one Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church on Tuesday, December 15, 2020, at 5 o’clock in the evening. The service at St. Martin-in-the-Fields, Keller, will be streamed live and will continue to be available on The Episcopal Diocese of Fort Worth’s YouTube and Facebook pages. People also…
Tis the season . . .for scams. Be alert!
This is the season for scams. Please be vigilant for scammers who pretend to be the bishop, a member of his staff, or another clergy person in order to trick you into buying gift cards/money orders, or sending money in the belief that you are helping someone. It works like this: You open your email and there’s a note from the bishop addressing you by name, and then saying: Hi, how are you doing? I need a favor from you,…
Reverse Advent Calendar
Pope Francis said, “First you pray for the hungry, then you go out and feed them. That is how prayer works.” This week begins the Reverse Advent Calendar In-gathering for 4Saints Food Pantry. If you are not familiar with a Reverse Advent Calendar, read on. It’s easy and a great way to observe Advent while helping other. Who: Anyone can participate. These items will be donated to the 4 Saints Food Pantry. What: This is the opposite of the usual…
Supplemental Reports to 2020 Convention
Download a copy of the Supplemental Reports to the 2020 Diocese Convention of the Episcopal Diocese of Fort Worth, along with the Bishop’s Nominees and a Resolution concerning next year’s Convention. 2020-EDFW-SupplementalReports