Posts by Katie Sherrod (Page 51)

Posts by Katie Sherrod (Page 51)

Fort Worth clergy participate in retreat at Camp Allen

Bishop Rayford B. High, Jr. and his wife, Pat, participated in the May 5-7 Episcopal Diocese of Texas Retreat for Retired Clergy, Spouses, and Surviving Spouses at Camp Allen in Navasota, TX. The Rev. Johnson Shannon and his wife, Mary, of Fort Worth, also took part in the retreat. The retired clergy of the Episcopal Diocese of Fort Worth have been invited to participate in the retreat in recent years.  

The Bishop of Fort Worth and the Archbishop of Canterbury

The Rt. Rev. Rayford B. High Jr., bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of Fort Worth, spent time with the Most Rev. Justin Welby, Archbishop of Canterbury, at the recent “Reclaiming the Gospel of Peace” conference in Oklahoma. Archbishop Welby spoke to the conference and then had lunch with the bishops present. 
VBS Weird Animals wordart advertising for St. Martin-in-the-Fields Episcopal Church in Keller/Southlake

Christian Formation discussion begun at 2013 Convention continues- UPDATED

At the 2013 Diocesan Convention in Wichita Falls, one of several table talks at lunch on Saturday was about Christian Formation. That discussion will continue on Saturday, May 24, from 9 am to noon at St. Martin-in-the-Fields Episcopal Church in Keller. UPDATE: this event has been postponed and will be rescheduled. All are welcome to attend this free event to discuss youth and adult formation. Participation in the table talk at convention is not a prerequisite. Childcare will be provided.…
VBS Weird Animals wordart advertising for St. Martin-in-the-Fields Episcopal Church in Keller/Southlake

All invited: St. Martin’s 2014 Vacation Bible School

St. Martin-in-the-Fields Episcopal Church, Keller, is inviting all the churches in the Episcopal Diocese of Fort Worth to send fun-loving volunteers to help with Vacation Bible School (VBS). “Weird Animals: Where God’s Love is One-of-a-Kind” has inspired messages about the unconditional love of Jesus Christ, taking on bullying, autism and much more. “We are looking to join with our brothers and sisters across the diocese for some serious outreach to the local community,” said Corrie Cabes, executive director of VBS.…
photo of people confirmed at St. Christiopher Episcopal Church in the Episcopal Diocese of Fort Worth

Bishop Rayford High confirms four at St. Christopher Fort Worth

On Sunday, May 4, 2014, the Rt. Rev. Rayford B. High, Jr., celebrated and preached at two services, and confirmed four people at St. Christopher Episcopal Church, Fort Worth. He was assisted by the Rev. Jan Cazden, deacon, and the Rev. William T. Stanford, rector. A reception followed. The confirmands are Danielle Halbert, Devita Carrillo, Raymond Carrillo, and Evan Olsen. The child in the photo is the eldest son of the Carrillos. Hear Bishop High’s sermon, The Lone Ranger and Tonto…

Bishop High issues statement in wake of Texas Supreme Court action

We found out today the Texas Supreme Court denied our motion to stay issuance of mandate.  Of course, we had hoped they would respond positively to our request.  In the wake of this decision, our legal team is preparing for the hearing next Thursday before Judge John P. Chupp.  We will keep you updated as things  progress. It is a slow process, but we will continue to move forward. +Rayford B. High, Jr.
photo of the Rev. Melanie Barnett Wright

The Rev. Melanie Wright reflects on “After the Storm”

The Rev. Melanie Barnett Wright, priest in charge at St. Alban’s Episcopal Church worshiping in Theater Arlington, has written an article that is published In the June 2013, issue of Vestry Papers, part of  ECF Vital Practices, an online publication of the Episcopal Church Foundation (ECF), In “After the Storm” Wright reflects on how a local Methodist congregation’s response after a tornado destroyed their building in many ways mirrored the response of St. Alban’s Episcopalians after they had to leave their building in the…

Lenten Quiet Day at Trinity

Meditations and prayers of Iona, Scotland, will be featured at a Lenten Quiet Day, 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. on Saturday, March 2, 2013, at Trinity Episcopal Church, 3401 Bellaire Drive So., Ft. Worth, TX, 76109. The Daughters of the King are presenting the day, with Emily Williams as facilitator. Meditations and prayers will be offered at 10 a.m., 11 a.m., noon and 1 p.m., with closing prayers at 1:45 p.m. People are invited to stay for the whole day…

Policy on Background Checks

Policy on Background Checks – PDF  Revised 2014-05-17 Background Check Request Form Related: Policy on Safeguarding God’s People This background check policy, coupled with our Policy on Safeguarding God’s People titled Toward Healthy Ministry: Safeguarding God’s People From Abuse, support our goals to foster the highest standards of ethical behavior in ministry settings and to ensure an environment free of abuse, exploitation and harassment. These policies set professional expectations for all people (clergy, lay employees, contractors, volunteers) serving in our diocese.