Posts by Katie Sherrod (Page 50)

Posts by Katie Sherrod (Page 50)

Deacon, priest train with Arlington police

The  Rev. Jan Cazden (fourth from left), deacon at St. Christopher Episcopal Church, Fort Worth, and the Rev. Susan Slaughter (sixth from left), recently retired rector of St. Luke’s in the Meadow, Fort Worth, recently completed the training course for the Arlington Clergy and Police Partnership (ACAPP) of the Arlington Police Department. The ACAPP program was started in 2010 as a way to provide spiritual care to people in crisis and as a vehicle for promoting better understanding and connection between the…
Episcopal diocese of fort worth growing in faith together workshop wrapup photos

Growing in Faith Together second workshop a success

Peter Steinke, congregational systems consultant and ordained Lutheran (ELCA) pastor, and musician Ana Hernandez presented the second set of workshops on family systems,  Growing in Faith Together, on June 20-21, 2014, at Trinity Lutheran Church, Fort Worth. About 40 people gathered on Friday evening and Saturday to learn about the seven indicators for healthy churches that are mission-focused; the six signs of healthy churches based on Acts of the Apostles, the seven habits of health-promoting church leaders, and the adaptive challenges for…

Bishop High visits Trinity, Fort Worth

On Sunday, June 22, 2014, the Rt. Rev. Rayford B. High, Jr. visited Trinity Episcopal Church in Fort Worth. He confirmed six people, received five, and reaffirmed the baptismal vows of one person. Some people arrived early for the service, as this Sunday was the first in which Trinity’s new summer worship schedule was in place. From now until August 17, Trinity will hold Sunday services at 8 am (Rite I),10 am (Rite II), and 5 pm (Rite II) instead of the usual…

Episcopal Parties File Petition for Review by U.S. Supreme Court

On June 19, 2014, The Episcopal Church and loyal Episcopal parties and congregations of the Episcopal Diocese of Fort Worth filed a petition for writ of certiorari with the U.S. Supreme Court. The Fort Worth parties were joined in the filing by the Episcopal Diocese of Northwest Texas and the officials from the continuing Episcopal Church of the Good Shepherd in San Angelo. In related news, the remand of the case to the 141st District Court in Tarrant County continues; Judge John P. Chupp entered a scheduling order that includes pleading and discovery deadlines and sets the hearing on motions for summary judgment for December 17, 2014.

Celebrating Pentecost under one roof

The Episcopal Church of Wichita Falls worshiped under one roof on Pentecost Sunday, June 8, 2014. All Saints at the Arc joined St. Stephen’s/Good Shepherd at St. Stephen’s Episcopal Church, 5011 Lindale.  The Rt. Rev. Rayford B. High, Jr., celebrated and preached at the 10 am Eucharist. Following the service, everyone gathered under red balloons bearing tongues of fire, a perfect accessory for a Pentecost luncheon. They were provided by Ann Coleman of Good Shepherd. On Saturday night, there was…

Demolition day launches work on new building

St. Stephen’s Episcopal Church, Hurst, spent Saturday, June 7, 2014, tearing out the interior of their new building at 463 Harwood Drive in Hurst. “We’re tearing out the old and putting in the new,” said Vernon Gotcher, priest in charge. Gotcher was the founding rector of St. Stephen’s in 1966. Fueled by waffles and coffee, the volunteer crew made short work of ripping out the old interior and preparing the space for its renovation into a new home for St.…

Episcopal/Lutheran ministry aids new service in Comanche

Beginning on Sunday, June 8, the Rev. Curt Norman, rector of St. Luke’s Episcopal Church and pastor of Common Grace Lutheran Church in Stephenville, will travel to Comanche on every second Sunday of the month to lead a communion/healing service at Hope Lutheran Church in Comanche. Hope Lutheran is part of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) Comanche is a 30-minute drive southwest of Stephenville and slightly more than a two-hour drive from Fort Worth. A story in the…
confirmation in the Episcopal Diocese of Fort Worth

Bishop High visits St. Andrew’s, Fort Worth, for confirmation

The Rt. Rev. Rayford B. High, Jr., visited St. Andrew’s Episcopal Church, Fort Worth, for a confirmation on Sunday, June 1. 2014. He confirmed Rosalyn Barnett, daughter of priest in charge the Rev. Edwin Barnett and his wife, Leigh Ann. There was a reception and luncheon afterward in the Parlor. St. Andrew’s worships in the Good Shepherd Chapel of University Christian Church. See a slideshow of photos or view on Flickr.   Listen to Bishop HIgh’s sermon.

Bishop High confirms four at St. Luke’s, Fort Worth

The Rt. Rev. Rayford B.High, Jr., confirmed four people and two people reaffirmed their Baptismal promises at St. Luke’s in the Meadow Episcopal Church, Fort Worth, on Sunday, May 25, 2014. Howard J. Gass, Daniel Jackson Fisher, Ethan Lightfoot Fisher and John Trevar Fisher were confirmed and Mitchell Prescott Herod and Kathleen Jenkins reaffirmed their Baptismal promises. A reception was held afterward the Parish Hall. For more photos, visit this diocesan Flickr gallery. Listen to Bishop High’s sermon.

Carl Saxton ordained deacon

Carl Saxton was ordained to the Sacred Order of Deacon by Bishop Rayford B. High, Jr.,on May 22, 2014, at St. Christopher Episcopal Church, Fort Worth. He was sponsored by St. Francis of Assisi Episcopal Church, Willow Park. The people of St. Francis put on a reception afterward in the Parish Hall. The preacher at his ordination was the Very Rev. Katherine B. (Kate) Moorehead, dean of St. John’s Cathedral, Jacksonville, Fla.. Saxton will begin his ministry at St John’s in the Episcopal…

St. Mary’s, Hamilton, dedicates new building

On Sunday, May 11, St. Mary’s, Hamilton, dedicated their new building at 1101 S. Rice Street (Hwy. 281 S.).  The Rev.Canon Janet Waggoner celebrated and preached, assisted by the Rev. Robert Tarbet. The new building is a milestone in the growth of the Episcopal Church in Hamilton County. Canon Waggoner preached on Jesus: A Shepherd and a Gate. See more photos at the diocesan Flickr page. Listen to Canon Waggoner’s sermon. Watch a video:

National Episcopal Church Women seek input

The National Episcopal Church Women (NECW) is seeking the input of women across The Episcopal Church. Below is a letter from the NECW board Ad Hoc Committee. ———– Dear Fellow Members of The Episcopal Church, Empower your voice! We need your help to make a difference. At Triennial Meeting 2012, delegates adopted Resolution 101/104, which called for the research and review of the present function and structure of the Episcopal Church Women National Board and the mission and purpose of…

Mollee Westfall elected to Standing Committee

Mollee Westfall, a member of All Saints’, Fort Worth, has been elected to the Standing Committee of the Episcopal Diocese of Fort Worth. She was elected to replace Jeff Boleware of St.Stephen’s, Hurst, who resigned at the May 5 meeting. Boleware is starting a new job in Austin. He was elected at the 2013 Diocesan Convention in Wichita Falls.

Seminarian Carl Saxton graduates from Sewanee

  Carl Saxton, seminarian and postulant for Holy Orders sponsored by St. Francis of Assisi Episcopal Church, Willow Park, graduated from the School of Theology at the University of the South, Sewanee on May 9, 2014. The Rt. Rev. Rayford B. High and Mrs. High attended the graduation — and to his surprise, Bishop High participated in the graduation.  Sharon and Dennis Lasater and Louis and Cynthia Eichenberger from St. Francis, Willow Park, also attended.