Posts by Katie Sherrod (Page 47)
Bishop High dedicates St. Stephen’s new building
On Sunday, September 14, Bishop Rayford B. High, Jr., dedicated and blessed the new building of St. Stephen’s Episcopal Church, Hurst. The liturgy began with the altar party, made up of the bishop, the Rev. Janet Waggoner, Canon to the Ordinary; the Rev. Vernon Gotcher, priest in charge; the Rev. Slaven Manning, assisting priest; the Rev. Tracie Middleton, deacon; Ms. Lynne Waltman, seminarian; and Ms. Marilyn Jones, crucifer and lector, standing outside with the congregation. “Through the ages, Almighty God…
Kathleen Wells elected to seminary board of trustees
Kathleen Wells, chancellor of the Episcopal Diocese of Fort Worth, was recently elected by her fellow alumni as a trustee on the board of trustees of the Seminary of the Southwest in Austin. Rayford B. High, Jr., bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of Fort Worth, said, “I am so pleased and excited Kathleen Wells has been elected to the board of the Seminary of the Southwest. Her election continues our representation as an owning diocese on the board.” Wells said,…
Learn about Julian of Norwich
Dr. Joyce Lorraine Beck, a parishioner at St. Christopher Episcopal Church, Fort Worth, will present a class on Julian of Norwich as part of Texas Christian University’s Extended Education Fall Program from 7 to 8:30 pm on Tuesdays, September 16 through November 15, 2014. The 9-hour course fee is $109. Deadline for signing up Is Monday, September 15, 2014. Dr. Beck writes, “Julian of Norwich was the first known woman to write a literary work in the English language. Originally…
Ed Waggoner to present seminar on Trinity
Ed Waggoner, Assistant Professor of Theology in The Rt. Reverend Sam B. Hulsey Chair in Episcopal Studies, Brite Divinity School, will present Stories for Trinitarians: Tragedy, Romance, and Adventure with God on Saturday, October 4, 2014, 9 am. to 1:45 pm at Northway Christian Church, Dallas. This is part of the eighth Jean and Patrick Henry, Jr. Seminar presented by the Stalcup School of Theology for the Laity, Brite Divinity School. Registration is $35 and includes a light lunch. Scholarships…
Karen Calafat called to St. Luke’s, Fort Worth
The Rev. Karen Calafat has been called as the new rector of St. Luke’s in the Meadow Episcopal Church, Fort Worth. Her first Sunday there will be October 5, 2014. Patti Callahan, senior warden, writing on behalf of the Rector Search Committee and the vestry, said in a letter to parishioners,“St. Luke’s has been without a rector for almost nine months and, although we have been well-served by supply priests, we are eager for Mother Karen to begin her part-time…
St. Mary’s, Hamilton, invites diocese to Open House
On Sunday, October 5, 2014, the people of St. Mary’s are inviting the people of Hamilton County and the people of the diocese to an Open House from 3 to 5 pm. They want to show off their new building and share some food and wine. St. Mary’s dedicated their new building at 1101 S. Rice Street (Hwy. 281 S.) on Sunday, May 11, 2014. The new building marked a milestone in the growth of the Episcopal Church in Hamilton…
Bishop High writes article for Vintage Voice
Bishop Rayford B. High, Jr., has written an article for Vintage Voice, a monthly publication written by The Church Pension Fund beneficiaries. Entitled A Funny Thing Happened to Me on the Way to Retirement, it is his reflection on the series of events that culminated in his election as the sixth bishop of Fort Worth. Read it all here. Many of Bishop High’s classmates, colleagues, and friends read the article and he has received many responses. One friend wrote, “I…
Bishop High visits Good Shepherd, Granbury
The Rt. Rev. Rayford B. High, Jr., celebrated and preached at the Episcopal Church of the Good Shepherd, Granbury, on Sunday, September 7, 2014. Good Shepherd worships at the Granbury Seventh Day Adventist Church. There was a reception afterward. While he was there, Bishop High signed a Book of Common Prayer, a gift Good Shepherd is giving to Pastor Stephen Haverlah, pastor of Emmanuel Lutheran Church (ELCA), Granbury. Emmanuel has generously offered Good Shepherd the use of their building for various…
Good Shepherd, Granbury, sponsoring community hymn fest
Been missing some of your favorite hymns? Love singing but can’t make time for choir practice? Come join the Episcopal Church of the Good Shepherd, Granbury, for a Hymn Fest of Traditional Christian Hymns at the Dora Lee Langdon Cultural and Education Center in Granbury at 3 pm on Sunday, September 28, 2014. The mission of the Dora Lee Langdon Cultural & Educational Center “is to extend the reach of Tarleton State University in cooperation with the City of Granbury…
Tracie Middleton joins diocesan staff
The Rev. Canon Janet Waggoner, administrative officer of the Episcopal Diocese of Fort Worth, has announced that the Rev. Tracie Middleton, deacon, has joined the diocesan staff as ministry support and communications officer. Her work with the diocese will begin on Tuesday, September 16. Middleton comes to this position with a wide range of experience in administration, relationship-building, and communications. She is currently an enrollment counselor with Ennova Learning Solutions, providing advice to students and their parents on career and…
Noted humorist to visit Trinity, Fort Worth
Rose-Mary Rumbley, a popular local humorist, will present “Powerful Women Starting with Queen Esther” at a luncheon hosted by Women of Trinity on Saturday, September 26, 2014, at 12 p.m. at Trinity Episcopal Church, Fort Worth. Admission is $10 and includes lunch from Z’s Cafe. All women in the diocese are invited to attend. Whether talking about Homer, Jane Austen, Christopher Columbus, or anything related to the Metroplex, speaker Rose-Mary Rumbley presents a cornucopia of facts and fun. Her well-placed zingers cause even the…
Demi Prentiss authors piece in Vestry Papers
Demi Prentiss, until recently Ministry Developer/Stewardship Officer of the Episcopal Diocese of Fort Worth, has written an article in the September Vestry Papers, a publication of the Episcopal Church Foundation (ECF). “As we grow beyond the narrow understanding of stewardship as an annual fundraising exercise – or as the late Terry Parsons used to call it, the ‘annual beg-a-thon’ – God begins to reshape our concept of what ‘gift’ and ‘giving’ actually mean. “Back in the days when spiritual gift assessments were…
St. Stephen’s, Hurst, moves into new building
St. Stephen’s Episcopal Church, Hurst, held its first worship service in their new building at 463 West Harwood Road in Hurst on Sunday, August 24, 2014. More than 80 people attended the worship service. The move to the new space marked the return to a 10 am worship time for St. Stephen’s, and is one of the many benefits of being in a space they control 24/7. When they rented space from the Northeast Wedding Chapel, they had to start…
Prayers for diocese from Bermuda
The bishop’s office received a postcard from the Cathedral of the Most Holy Trinity of the Anglican Church of Bermuda, informing him that “at the Eucharist in the Cathedral today we prayed for the life and witness of the Diocese of Fort Worth on 19th August 2014.” The prayers were a result of the Diocese of Fort Worth being part of the Anglican Cycle of Prayer. The card was signed by the celebrant, the Rt. Rev. Nicholas B. B. Dill,…
Bishop High sets guidelines for Covenant Blessings
On Tuesday, August 19, 2014, the Rt. Rev. Rayford B. High, Jr., bishop of Fort Worth, sent a letter to the clergy of the Episcopal Diocese of Fort Worth setting out guidelines for the blessing of covenant relationships between people of the same sex. He did so to offer pastoral guidance to the priests of the diocese to enable them to offer “a generous pastoral response” to members of their congregations. His action comes after two years of prayer, thoughtful…
Bishop High’s Letter on Covenant Blessings
Tuesday, August 19, 2014 Dear Sisters and Brothers in Christ, I write you all to follow up on a promise I made at our June “Common Call” clergy gathering. At that meeting, I shared with you all my prayerful deliberations on how we should move forward as a diocese regarding the covenant blessing, which was initiated at our General Convention 2012, and I promised to offer guidelines for you and the congregations we serve. As I have come to know…