Posts by Katie Sherrod (Page 36)
“Claim the high calling of love and faith”
The Most Rev. Michael B. Curry, presiding bishop and primate of The Episcopal Church, has issued a video statement concerning the actions of the Anglican primates at their meeting in Canterbury, England. And so we must claim that high calling; claim the high calling of love and faith; love even for those with whom we disagree, and then continue, and that we will do, and we will do it together. Here is the text of Bishop Curry’s statement: Before I say…
Bishop Mayer begins 2016 visitations at All Saints’, Fort Worth
Bishop Scott Mayer made his first visitation of 2016 to All Saints’, Fort Worth, for baptisms, confirmations, and receptions. He preached and celebrated. Those baptized were Larry Kenton Watt III, Anthony Luis Tovar, Elizabeth Jane Waldeck, and Fisher Morrison Gossett. Melinda Sue (Hunter) Rife reaffirmed her Baptismal vows. Bishop Mayer confirmed Alexa Rae (Golliher) Watt, Dorothy Alleyne Gregg, Angela Dennette McKiney, Nicole (Esparza) Shelton, Randall Lee Rife, Race Adam Hochdorf, and John Gary Sheffield. He received Tricia (Flores) Earley and Robert Earley into The Episcopal Church. See more photos at the diocesan…
Join other Episcopalians taking part in MLK Day of Service
Tarrant Churches Together has announced community service sites and the schedule for the Sixth Annual MLK Day of Service from 7:30 am until 2 pm on Monday, January 18, 2016. For the past several years, Episcopalians from around the diocese have taken part, either individually or as a congregation, in the day of service to honor the legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. In 2015, Episcopalians were part of the nearly 500 people who worked at sites around the Tarrant…
Paper Bag Epiphany Pageant at All Saints’, Fort Worth
All are invited to the Paper Bag Epiphany Pageant at All Saints’ Episcopal Church, 5001 Crestline Road, Fort Worth, 76107, at 5:30 pm on Wednesday, January 6. This is a no-stress, no-rehearsals-needed pageant followed by a kid-friendly meal. Parents of children who would like to be in the pageant should bring them at 5 pm to DeWolfe Hall (parish hall), where participants will choose a costume from a paper bag and get lined up for the pageant at 5:30. For more information, contact Ted…
All Saints’ school hosting Trinity Institute conference
All Saints’ Episcopal School is a partner site for Trinity Wall Street’s Trinity Institute, the prestigious conference that brings religious scholars from all over the country together to discuss and reflect on social justice issues. The topic for the 2016 Institute is ‘Listen for a Change: Sacred Conversations for Racial Justice,’ which takes place January 21-23. View a video sample: All Saints’ school will be live streaming the conference from Thursday evening, January 21 to Saturday, January 23, at various sites on…
“Do not be afraid!”
Bishop Scott Mayer has issued a Christmas message: “Do not be afraid!” The Christmas story tells us these are the first words of the angel who appeared to the shepherds outside Bethlehem on a long ago December night. And no wonder. Here are humble hard-working folk, minding their own business, camping out with their sheep on a landscape not unlike those we see in parts of rural Texas north and west of Fort Worth – hardscrabble land redeemed day and…
Celebrate Christmas – Episcopal Churches welcome you
We invite you to join the Episcopalians of the Episcopal Diocese of Fort Worth as we celebrate the arrival of the Christ Child, and worship at an Episcopal Church near you. God loves us so completely that God became like us. God deeply loves us all, no exceptions. May you experience God’s abiding love for you this Christmas. Arlington St. Alban’s Episcopal Church Holding services at Theatre Arlington 305 W. Main, Arlington (map) Christmas Eve 6:30 pm Service & Festive Reception Fort Worth All Saints Episcopal…
Andrew Ellison ordained deacon
The Rt. Rev. Rayford B. High, Jr., recently retired provisional bishop of Fort Worth, ordained Andrew Ellison as deacon at St. Alban’s at Theatre Arlington on Wednesday, December 16. He was presented by the Rev. Kevin Johnson, the Rev. Jordan Haynie Ware, Mrs. Casie Ellison, Mrs. Franceen Lyons, Mrs. Priscilla Promise, and Mr. Walt Cabe. Those assisting with vesting were Mrs. Ellison, Ms. Jeanne Casstevens, and Mr. Dyke Ellison. The Rev. Dr. Jane Patterson, Assistant Professor of New Testament and…
Refugee ministry of Trinity, Fort Worth, featured in news story
Trinity Episcopal Church, Fort Worth, has adopted a refugee family from the Democratic Republic of Congo. The family fled the violence of warring militia groups, living for years in a refugee camp in Uganda. The family of 10 arrived in Texas in November. The story said, “The family includes eight siblings ages five to 25 who speak Kinyabwisha and Swahili. The older siblings knew the danger of war as youngsters, while the younger children have only known the hard life…
St. Elisabeth/Christ the King making Christmas brighter
The congregation of St. Elisabeth and Christ the King, Fort Worth, delivered wrapped shoe boxes filled with gifts for each of the children at Union Gospel Mission. The congregation also delivered eight boxes of diapers and wet wipes for the infants. The choir at St. Elisabeth/Christ the King will present their annual Christmas Concert at 7 pm on Sunday, December 20, at the church. The concert will be followed by caroling for everyone and food and fellowship in the parish hall.…
St. Martin’s, Keller, featured in ENS Christmas story
St. Martin-in-the-Fields Episcopal Church in Keller is featured prominently in an Episcopal News Service story headlined “Episcopalians across the world help others to celebrate Christmas.” Read the whole story here. St. Martin’s is featured along with congregations in Buffalo, New York; Shrewsbury, New Jersey; Miami, Florida; Atlanta, Georgia; and Kansas City, Missouri as well congregations as in the Diocese of Central Pennsylvania and the Episcopal Church Women of the Diocese of Pittsburgh along with all the Episcopalians giving gifts from Episcopal…
UPDATED, EVENT CANCELLED: Stand in solidarity with Muslim neighbors
UPDATE: This event has been cancelled. The organizer AccionAmerica whose flyer & info we posted has removed their event information. There may have been a request from Irving law enforcement and the Islamic Center of Irving to cancel the event because they felt that a security risk was presented by holding the event at the mosque. We apologize for any inconvenience. Updated 2:50 pm December 11 In the backlash against recent anti-Muslim statements, Christians are called to love their neighbors as themselves. These neighbors…
Prayers for Bishop Curry
UPDATED – In a statement released Monday afternoon, Episcopal Church Presiding Bishop and Primate Michael Curry gave thanks for prayers offered on his behalf: “Episcopal Church Presiding Bishop and Primate Michael Curry wishes to thank all Episcopalians and others for the generous outpouring of prayer and well wishes in response to his announcement yesterday that he will be undergoing surgery. “That surgery, originally scheduled for today, is now scheduled for tomorrow (Tuesday). The postponement is to allow some aspirin he took…
Episcopal Parties file appellate briefs in the Fort Worth Court of Appeals
On Thursday, December 3, 2015, the Episcopal Parties filed their appellate briefs in the Fort Worth Court of Appeals. These briefs explain why the 141st District Court’s July 24, 2015 Final Judgment is error and unconstitutional, and why the court of appeals should render judgment in favor of the Episcopal Parties. The 141st District Court’s Final Judgment violates the First Amendment and instructions from the Texas Supreme Court by effectively placing a bishop defrocked by The Episcopal Church in control…
St. Martin’s study group takes on history of Chrisitianity
On Wednesday, December 2, the 10 am Wednesday Study at St. Martin-in-the-Fields turns to a new topic: Christianity: The First 3,000 Years. The class will enjoy a six-week BBC video series that shows the early diversity of Christianity, how and why Christianity developed the way it did, and how the Christian faith has diversified around the world. It will be a wonderful way to celebrate Advent and Christmastide. The book and video series embrace the work of Oxford University don Diarmaid MacCollough. MacCollough is…
St. Martin’s school children embrace Thanksgiving spirit
With Thanksgiving approaching, the students of St. Martin’s Episcopal School talked about many things that they were thankful for, including family, friends, toys, candy and Jesus. The Rev. Scot McComas, rector, and Ms. Corrie Cabe, school chaplain, both participated. During chapel, the children prayed over shoes that would go to homeless men getting a fresh start at Union Gospel Mission of Tarrant County. Cabe asked the students to touch their shoes and think of people who might not have shoes.…