Posts by Katie Sherrod (Page 26)

Posts by Katie Sherrod (Page 26)

Parker County church planting effort ends

In the spring of 2017, The Episcopal Church approved a grant of $100,000 for a church plant in Parker County, site of the Walsh development, the largest buildout in the United States at that time. The diocesan leadership “raised their eyes and looked at the fields” and believed it was time to see what God was doing in that part of our diocese. The Rev. Hunter Ruffin was hired to lead the church plant effort and a church planting team…

The Rev. Jesse Smith retires (again)

On Sunday, February 25, the Rev. Jesse Smith, longtime priest of the diocese, celebrated communion in the chapel at Baylor Scott and White All Saints Hospital and entered into retirement. He swears this is the last time he’s retiring, and to prove it he’s soon moving to Austin where he and Jean will be closer to the grandkids. The Chapel was full as friends and colleagues gathered for this last mass in celebration of more than twenty years of service as a chaplain. Following…

Ashes to go at Sundance Square

Bishop Scott Mayer and the Rev. Hunter Ruffin distributed ashes at Sundance Square in downtown Fort Worth on Ash Wednesday, which also was Valentine’s Day. They were present from 11 am to 1 pm, during which time nearly 60 people stopped for the imposition of ashes, or a prayer, or simple conversation. Most wanted ashes. A security guard on a bike stopped and asked for prayers. Construction workers doffed hard hats to receive ashes. Business women and men stopped. Workers…

Annette Mayer ordained priest

Bishop Scott Mayer ordained Annette Mayer a priest on Thursday, March 1, 2018, at St. Martin-in-the-Fields, Keller. A reception followed, hosted by St. Martin’s, St. Alban’s, Theater Arlington; and St. Stephen’s, Hurst, all congregations where Mayer has served. The Rev. Maurine Lewis preached. Lewis began her sermon by welcoming everyone “on this most joyous occasion, the ordination of Annette.” And, she said, “. . .it’s time.  In theology class in seminary we talk some about time.  Greek has two words…
Annette Mayer's ordination

Annette Mayer to be ordained priest March 1, 2018

Annette Mayer will be ordained to the Sacred Order of Priests at 7 pm Thursday, March 1, 2018 at St. Martin-in-the-Fields Episcopal Church in Keller. The Rev. Maurine Lewis will preach. A reception will follow. Mayer was ordained a deacon on October 22, 2015, also at St. Martin’s. New Call Mayer has accepted a call to serve as rector of The Episcopal Church of the Transfiguration in Palos Park, IL, in the Diocese of Chicago. Most recently, she has been…

Our children are crying out to us

Bishop Scott Mayer has issued this statement in the wake of the shooting in Florida. ————————- Jesus is very clear in his charge that we are to value, love, and cherish children: He called a little child to him, and placed the child among them. And he said: “Truly I tell you, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. Therefore, whoever takes the lowly position of this child is the greatest…

Bishop Mayer visits All Saints, Fort Worth

Bishop Scott Mayer visited All Saints’ Episcopal Church, Fort Worth, on Sunday, February 11. He celebrated, preached, confirmed eight people, reaffirmed baptismal vows for two, and received one person into The Episcopal Church. Those confirmed are John Michael Chapman, Karen Moreland Farnell, Michael Erwin Farnell, Christopher Ryan Gores, Ronda Ricks Miller, Blake McCarty Macon, Andrew Deney Martin and Cole Cowden Means II. Those reaffirming baptismal vows were R. J. Miller and Michael George Mullins. Katherine Mason Roberts was received. The…

Bishop Mayer invites us into Lent

Bishop Scott Mayer talks about Ash Wednesday being on Valentine’s Day this year, and how that offers a starting place for reflection. This video is close captioned. Watch on YouTube or below:

Bishop Mayer visits St. Andrew’s, Fort Worth

Bishop Scott Mayer made his first visitation of 2018 to St. Andrew’s, Fort Worth, worshiping in the Good Shepherd Chapel at University Christian Church. He confirmed Dustin L. Payne and received William A. Hudson. It also was the day of the congregation’s annual meeting. See more photos at the diocesan Flickr gallery. Watch a short video of the service below or on the diocesan YouTube Channel. Watch the bishop’s sermon below or on the diocesan YouTube Channel. Read the bishop’s sermon. St…

It’s time to sign up for racial reconciliation training

As you get organized for 2018, don’t forget to sign up for the Racial Justice and Reconciliation Training on Saturday, February 3, 9 am to 4:15 pm and Saturday, February 10, 9 am to 4:15 pm. The cost is $120 per person for the entire event, including meals. Scholarship aid is available – indicate on the registration form if you want to ask about that. Learn more and register here. In 2015 the General Convention of The Episcopal Church committed…

Episcopalians take on the Parade of Lights

Three congregations participated in the XTO Parade of Lights in downtown Fort Worth on Sunday, November 19, 2017. St. Luke’s in the Meadow, St. Christopher, and the Episcopal Church in Parker County marched in the festive parade watched by hundreds of local residents. This is the first year any Episcopal congregation has taken part in the popular annual event. St. Luke’s entry was the smoker “Old 100” decorated with hundreds of lights and a sign, “All aboard with St. Luke’s…

Convention sermon: “Drink living water . . .”

The Very Rev. Doug Travis preached at the opening worship service of the 2015 Diocesan Convention on Friday, November 10, 2017, at the Cleburne Conference Center. An excerpt: “Living water, living water, living water. I realized in contemplating these verses that if I do not experience the well of living water flowing up in my own soul it’s because I’ve refused to share, even if only in my own heart, Jesus’ living water with some other soul I think doesn’t…

Bishop’s Address at 2017 convention

Bishop Scott Mayer delivered his address to the 35th Convention of the Diocese of Fort Worth on Friday, November 10, at the Cleburne Conference Center in Cleburne, TX.   He began by thanking the hosts, greeting guests, listing important transitions, and recognizing the work of the many volunteers who serve on committees of the diocese. He gave special recognition to the members of the diocesan Corporation. Then he began exploring the passage from the fourth chapter of John’s Gospel, when Jesus…

St. Alban’s celebrates 70th anniversary

St. Alban’s, Theatre Arlington, celebrated the 70th anniversary of the founding of the parish on Sunday, November 12.  The Rev. Courtland Moore, former rector, preached, and Bishop Scott Mayer confirmed, received, and reaffirmed the baptismal vows of 14 people. Watch a short video of the event with excerpts from the sermon below, or on YouTube. Enjoy a slideshow of photos and then see more at the diocesan Flickr gallery.  

Bishop Mayer visits Wichita Falls

Bishop Scott Mayer made a visitation to the Episcopal Church of Wichita Falls at St. Stephen’s Episcopal Church on Sunday, November 5. Watch a video of the bishop’s sermon below or on YouTube. Watch a slideshow of photos and then see more at the diocesan Flickr gallery. Lefty Brandon took the photos.

How to navigate dying

All are invited to hear Joan Maxwell talk about her recent memoir, Soul Support: Spiritual Encounters at Life’s End at 4 pm, Thursday, November 16, at River Crest Country Club, 1501 Western Ave., Fort Worth, 76107. The event is hosted by Assisting Bishop Sam Hulsey. Maxwell, a friend of Hulsey who shares his passion for normalizing the fact that we all will die one day, is a former hospital palliative care chaplain who often worked with dying patients and their families. She…