Posts by Katie Sherrod (Page 18)

Posts by Katie Sherrod (Page 18)

For children in Odessa

In the wake of the mass shooting in Odessa, people have been wanting to help, to do something in addition to praying. So here’s what you can do. Write letters or cards or make posters or other art work and send them to the children at St. John’s Episcopal School, 401 N County Rd W, Odessa, TX 79763. Here are the guidelines offered by The Rev. Ricardo Lopez, chaplain, after discussions with parents of the children: Don’t mention the mass…

Church musicians, clergy, and laity invited to conference on best practices

“Best Practices for Faithful 21st Century Worship and Music Leaders” will be October 10-11, 2019, at St Michael and All Angels Episcopal Church in Dallas. This conference brings clergy, musicians, and laity to engage in a thoughtful discussion of the most important task of the church, the worship of God. It is sponsored by the Church Music Institute (CMI) of Dallas with the generous support of the Lilly Endowment Inc. Keynote speaker is Rev. Peter W. Marty, editor of The…

Convention: Deadlines looming for reports, resolutions, nominations

The 2019 Diocesan Convention is November 8 and 9 at the Decatur Civic Center in Decatur, the same location as the 2018 convention. Registration opens September 2, with Early Bird rates in effect until October 1. Detailed information about diocesan convention Reports If you are the chair of a diocesan committee or commission or a group that receives money from the diocese, you have the responsibility to write a report to Diocesan Convention and send it to the secretary of…

Bishop Mayer statement in wake of Odessa mass shooting

Bishop Scott Mayer has issued this statement in the wake of the mass shooting in Odessa. ——————- And now I give you a new commandment: love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. (John 13:34). The first words of Odessa Medical Center Hospital CEO Russell Tippin at the news briefing in the aftermath of the mass shooting in Odessa that left five dead and 21 wounded were about love. He asked everyone in the sound…

Texas Supreme Court to review Court of Appeals opinion

On Friday, August 30, 2019, the Texas Supreme Court agreed to hear oral argument on both (1) the breakaway parties’ petition for review the Fort Worth Court of Appeals April 2018 opinion in favor of the loyal Episcopalians of the Episcopal Diocese of Fort Worth as well as (2) our conditional cross-petition for review. The conditional cross-petition asserted additional reasons why we should prevail in this litigation. The oral argument will be held at 9 am December 5, 2019. The time allotted to…

Correction on Sewanee Trustee nomination for Convention

In the list of offices up for election at Diocesan Convention November 8 and 9 at the Decatur Civic Center in Decatur, the listing for Trustee of Sewanee, University of the South, was incorrect. The position that will be filled is for a lay Trustee, not a clergy member. The deadline for nomination is Monday, September 9. See more information. Detailed information on Diocesan Convention

Good Shepherd to celebrate new space

The Episcopal Church of the Good Shepherd in Granbury will consecrate its new space at 4530 Acton Road, Granbury, at 6 pm Saturday, September 28, 2019. The Rt. Rev. Rayford B. High, Jr., will officiate. The Rev. Dr. Suzi Robertson, priest in charge, will preach. A reception will follow. The new space was built and is owned by the Episcopal Community Trust of Granbury. All are welcome. Child care will be provided. Clergy are requested to wear cassock, surplice, and…

Join in the Pride activities

The churches of the Eastern Deanery – St. Albans Theatre Arlington, St. Luke’s in the Meadow, Fort Worth;  St. Martin-in-the-Fields, Keller, and St. Stephen’s, Hurst – are planning to march as a group in the Fort Worth Pride Parade and have a booth at the Pride Festival Saturday, October 5, 2019. See a map of the parade route and festival location The Parade begins at 11 a.m. All are invited to march. Participants can buy a custom designed Deanery Pride…

Nominations open for Founded on Faith Awards

Tarrant Churches Together’s annual Founded on Faith Luncheon will be at 11:30 am, Monday, November 14, 2019, at the All Church Home Child & Family Service at the Jo Holt Hickman Center, 3712 Wichita Street, Fort Worth, TX, 76119. One of the awards is named for the Rev. Gayland Pool, a priest of this diocese who served as executive director of Tarrant Churches Together (then Tarrant Area Community of Churches) in the early 1990s, as well as rector of several…

Standing on Holy Ground

Corrie Cabes, a student at the Seminary of the Southwest, Austin, and candidate for Holy Orders from St. Martin-in-the-Fields, Keller, took part in the Jonathan Daniels and the Martyrs of Alabama Pilgrimage on August 10, 2019, in Hayneville, AL. This is her reflection on that experience. It is accompanied by videos and photos by Dan Joslyn-Siemiatkoski. ——————– Standing on Holy Ground Many of you know that last year I participated in an Evensong service at Seminary of the Southwest to…

Prayers requested for Bishop Wallis Ohl

Bishop C. Wallis Ohl, who served our diocese as provisional bishop from 2009 to 2012, is in the Intensive Care Unit at a hospital in Oklahoma City, OK.  Bishop Scott Mayer got the news Sunday afternoon from the Ohl’s daughter. Bishop Mayer requests prayers for Bishop Ohl and his medical care team, and for his wife Sheila and their children and grandchildren as they stand vigil. Cards can be send to the Ohl’s home, 3205 Skye Ridge Drive, Norman, OK,…

Do you have a resolution for the 2019 Diocesan Convention?

Do you have a resolution to propose to this year’s Diocesan Convention?  Convention is November 8 and 9 at the Decatur Civic Center. Detailed information about Diocesan Convention. VIEW GUIDELINES for resolutions The canonical deadine to submit a resolution is Monday, September 9, 2019. Once the Resolutions Committee and the Constitution and Canons Committee review proposed resolutions and have a chance to communicate with the proposer about any questions or changes, the proposed resolutions will be linked below. The following…

Becoming Beloved Community grant application process opens

The Presiding Officers’ Advisory Group on Beloved Community Implementation has made available funds to catalyze the church’s work of racial healing, reconciliation and justice. “The funds have been allocated by General Convention in order to build capacity and increase Episcopal engagement in four primary fields: telling the truth about our churches and race, proclaiming the dream of Beloved Community, practicing Jesus’ way of healing and reconciliation, and repairing the breach in institutions and society,” according to the Episcopal Church website.…