Posts by Katie Sherrod (Page 12)

Posts by Katie Sherrod (Page 12)

The Rev. Johnson Shannon, 7/30/1948 – 4/20/2020

  The Rev. Marvin Boyd (Johnson) Shannon, Jr.  died on April 20, 2020, at Cityview Nursing Home in Fort Worth. He is preceded in death by his parents, his older sisters, Martha Angelique (and her husband Edward Hannigan) and Don (and her husband George Morgan). He is survived by his wife of nearly 51 years, Mary Ellen, his son Marvin Boyd III (Nicole), his daughter Mary Kathryn (David Wampach), his three grandchildren, Peyton Riley, Patrick Lucas, and William Ross, as…

Celebrate Earth Day from home

Earth Day is Wednesday, April 22, 2020. This is the 50th Anniversary of Earth Day. One could say we are celebrating Earth Day already, as we love our neighbors by sheltering in place, trying to flatten the curve of a virus that has impacted the entire planet. But there are other, more fun ways to mark the day. The Fort  Worth Museum of Science and History is inviting everyone to “tune in from 10 AM – 2 PM on April…

Bored? Start coloring

UPDATE: We asked folks to send us photos of what they have colored. The Rev. Allison Sandlin Liles did so, saying, “We are coloring more than ever in our house – thanks mostly to the free weekly downloads from Illustrates Ministry.  Here is our Easter poster hanging for the neighbors to see and a prayer we are using a lot these days.” As we all do our part to love our neighbors by sheltering in place, we may find ourselves…

Covid-19 Emergency Grant Program for deacons

The Fund for the Diaconate of the Episcopal Church has created a special Emergency Grant Program to aid deacons affected by the Covid-19 pandemic. Deacons in good standing in The Episcopal Church, who have been laid off, furloughed, or otherwise had their employment hours cut back or eliminated, are eligible to apply. Grants will cover the time-period of March 1, 2020 – Sept. 30, 2020, with applications being accepted until Oct. 15, 2020.  Grants of $525 per month will be made…

ENS story features the Rev. Dr. Robert Pace of Trinity

The Rev. Dr. Robert Pace, rector of Trinity Fort Worth, is the subject of a story featured by the Episcopal News Service. ——— [Episcopal News Service] When the Rev. Robert Pace woke up the day after Ash Wednesday “feeling miserable,” he didn’t think too much of it. His symptoms all pointed to a standard case of the flu – except the cough that just kept getting worse. What Pace – the 53-year-old rector of Trinity Episcopal Church in Fort Worth, Texas…

Visit the Fort Worth Zoo from home

If you want to keep up with what’s happening at the Fort Worth Zoo while we are all caged up at home so we can keep our more vulnerable neighbors safe,  visit the zoo’s Facebook page. They have daily video chats with keepers, and videos of the various animals doing their thing. Who knew that it’s remarkably relaxing to watch an alligator cruise through its swimming area?  

Stuck at home? Tour a museum

Nearly all the museums in Fort Worth are offering virtual tours, and Visit Fort Worth has gathered up all the links for you in one place. You may discover places you haven’t been, and certainly you can revisit your favorites.The Artes de la Rose Cultural Center is highlighting “a visual tour of the show ‘Endangered Americas’ with insights by artist Stormie Parker. These beautiful ceramic works depict animals with humanistic expressions to allow the viewer to empathize with their natural…

Make a lighted Easter lily garland for Eastertide

The Easter season is 50 days long. So the celebration continues well past the glory of Easter Day. And while Eastertide lasts 50 days, we have no idea how long Coronatide will last, as we love our neighbors by staying home. So here’s a fun activity for the family to do while we are all stuck at home. Make the garland and put it up to light up the days and nights of the Easter season. How to make a…

Music from the heart for the soul

Through the hard work of Episcopal communicators, muscians, and audio and video geniuses, Episcopalians from across the church came together to perform for Easter. As we move into the 50 days of Eastertide, take time to watch and listen. It will be good for your soul. Credits: Arrangement by Erik Meyer, audio engineering and post-production by Kory Caudill and Sean Truskowski, video editing by Tom Verga. Special thanks to The Episcopal Church Office of Communication/Multimedia Services unit and Natalee Hill,…

Easter Sunday

            Alleluia! Christ is Risen! The Lord is Risen indeed! Alleluia!   Join us for our online Easter worship service. It will be live at 10 am on Easter Sunday, April 12, 2020, at the Diocesan Facebook Page and the Diocesan YouTube Channel. The celebrant is the Rev. Dr. Robert Pace, rector of Trinity, Fort Worth. Bishop Scott Mayer is the preacher. Acolyte is Eleanor Forfang-Brockman of St. Luke’s in the Meadow, Fort Worth. Readers are…

Women of the Passion, a Journey to the Cross

Several laywomen and a deacon from across the diocese came together virtually in the last two weeks to make possible an online version of the Women of the Passion, A Journey to the Cross. This is the story of the Passion of Jesus in three meditations and the fourteen Stations of the Cross. The story is told by the women who witnessed it, whose encounters with Jesus and with one another changed their lives. It is based on a book…

The Great Vigil

The Great Vigil takes us through the great stories of our faith. Gather together in the darkness around a great fire and listen. Watch it on the Diocesan Facebook Page at 8 PM. It will also be on the Diocesan YouTube Channel. From the worship leaflet: “For three days we have watched and waited. Tonight we gather in the darkness of the grave seeking the light of the Paschal Mystery. Out of the darkness – fire – a burning bush…

Good Friday

The Good Friday online worship service will be live on the Diocesan Facebook Page shortly before noon on Friday, April 10, 2020. It will also be on the Diocesan YouTube channel. You can download worship leaflets here. The text of Bishop Mayer’s sermon is here. The Rev. Allison Sandlin Liles is the celebrant. Stan Paschal is the musician. He and Daun Harter-Weeks are the readers. Also on Good Friday, a video of laywomen of the diocese reading the Women of…

Maundy Thursday

The Maudy Thursday Mass on the World is adapted from Georgetown University’s symposium: “Teilhard de Chardin: His Importance in the 21st Century” in commemoration of the 60th anniversary of the death of Teilhard de Chardin (April 9th, 2015). Watch the service below or on YouTube. From the worship leaflet: “This Maundy Thursday, the day on which we traditionally recognize the work of Jesus the Christ to make his Real Presence known through bread and wine, we find ourselves physically separated…

The Sunday of the Passion: Palm Sunday online worship

Please join in our online worship service. See it below or on YouTube. Download worship leaflet. Read Bishop Mayer’s sermon.   The celebrant is the Rev. Karen Calafat, St. Luke’s in the Meadow, Fort Worth, assisted by the Rev. Kevin Johnson, St. Alban’s, Theatre Arlington. The organist is Tony Kroll of St. Luke’s.

Mission and Outreach grant deadline extended to April 30

UPDATE: The Mission and Outreach committee has extended the deadline for grant proposals until April 30, 2020. [Story originally published 2/4/2020] The Episcopal Diocese of Fort Worth, through its Mission and Outreach Committee, will be awarding grants to programs that assist those who are underserved in our communities and that will be strengthened by the endorsement of the diocese; that creates a loving connection with community, and that involve personal participation by  our congregations. Grants should be considered seed money, not…