More than 150 people from congregations from Wichita Falls to Hillsboro enjoyed a fun afternoon with good friends and good food at the 2021 diocesan picnic.
The event began with a worship service in which people from six congregations were confirmed, received, or reaffirmed their faith.
Bishop Scott Mayer said in his sermon, “Today the Episcopal Church in North Texas gathers together from all parts of the diocese, ranging from Wichita Falls to Hillsboro, a tremendous turnout, to celebrate the Holy Eucharist, the Sacrament of Confirmation, and have a picnic. It is a time to celebrate our identity as Episcopalians, and our purpose – our calling to participate in God’s mission through this Church. It is a time to be together, and share a meal, as we once did naturally in the pre-pandemic world anytime we suffered a loss. It’s a time to re-connect with long time friends.”
He said, “Today’s appointed passage from Luke is a story which comes early in Luke’s Gospel. Jesus has been baptized; the Holy Spirit has descended upon him like a dove, and the Voice has proclaimed, “You are my Son, the beloved; with you I am well pleased.”
“To pause for a moment, the Voice makes that proclamation before Jesus begins his public ministry, before he heals anyone, before he teaches the parables, before he suffers, before he dies on the cross – before he accomplishes what he set out to accomplish. And those same words are meant for you, too. Before you accomplish one thing. “You are my child, my beloved. With you I am well pleased.” Before you do anything. It’s all grace – all gift.”
Watch the entire sermon and read the text here.

Those who were confirmed, received, or reaffirmed their faith are Norma Johnson, St. Alban’s Theatre Arlington; Edwardean Harris and Jo Spindle from St. Christopher, Fort Worth; Sylvia Reyes-Gustafson, Kelly Lincoln, Suzanne Lincoln, Christina Ramos, and Macie Wendland, St. Martin-in-the-Fields, Keller; Jason Romaine, Mary Romaine, and Thomas Sisco, St. Mary’s, Hillsboro; Jason “Jay” Case, Cara Mandeville, Natale Canavespe Perry and Ronnie Lee Travis, St. Stephen’s, Hurst; and Christina Lea (Seakin) Wells, Trinity, Fort Worth.
Watch the confirmation, receptions and reaffirmations below.