Posts from 2013 (Page 14)

Posts from 2013 (Page 14)

Lenten Reflection: Experience

We lift our hearts to God in whatever state they are in. If our hearts are happy, we lift them to the Lord. If our hearts are broken or heavy with grief, we lift them to the Lord. If our hearts are anxious or afraid, we lift them to the Lord. We “come as we are” to this place. – Br. Mark Brown Society of Saint John the Evangelist To Read More, Click Here Video not displaying? Click here to…

Lenten Reflection: Compassion

During this week, these last days of our Lord’s life, we try to enter imaginatively into the story of Christ’s passion, to try, each one of us, to feel the weight of the cross, to understand a little of the immensity of God’s sacrifice for us, and the immensity of God’s love for us. – Br. Geoffrey Tristram Society of Saint John the Evangelist To Read More, Click Here Video not displaying? Click here to view: Question for Reflection:…

Lenten Reflection: Vulnerability

What is it that makes you vulnerable? In our lifetimes, we don’t lose our spiritual vulnerability. We wouldn’t want to lose it. How we come to know God, how God breaks through to us, is probably through something that is broken in our lives. – Br. Curtis Almquist Society of Saint John the Evangelist To Read More, Click Here Video not displaying? Click here to view: Question for Reflection: How will you share your vulnerability with Jesus today? Comments:…

Lenten Reflection: Grace

Temptation becomes an instrument of God’s grace when it causes us to acknowledge our helplessness, when it prompts us to look for God’s help, when it puts us in places where we realize our need for a Savior. – Br. David Vryhof Society of Saint John the Evangelist To Read More, Click Here Video not displaying? Click here to view: Question for Reflection: Can you invite God’s grace into the places of contradiction and darkness within you? Comments: We…

Lenten Reflection: Repentance

As Jesus said over and over again, if you sin and repent and try to live a new life, you will be saved. This is a manifestation of that same loving fatherhood of God repeated over and over throughout the Psalms and the writings of the Prophets, and throughout the whole of the New Testament. – Br. David Allen Society of Saint John the Evangelist To Read More, Click Here Video not displaying? Click here to view: Question for…

Lenten Reflection: Relationship

Christianity demands community. It is through our relationship with others we hear God’s word and understand God’s call. – Br. Eldridge Pendleton Society of Saint John the Evangelist To Read More, Click Here Video not displaying? Click here to view: Question for Reflection: What might your relationships with other people reveal about new ways of being in relationship with God? Comments: We welcome your comments on this video series. Click here to share thoughts. from Brother, Give Us A…

Calling All Artists!

The Unbroken Circle, a Fine Arts gallery, calls artists and musicians from across the diocese to submit artwork or perform music and/or poetry and story that will bring the liturgical calendar to life. Participants may choose a season of the church year and interpret the feeling of the season and what about it speaks to them. This project includes not only the oft-explored seasons of Lent, Easter, and Christmas, but also the rest of the liturgical year, each season with…

Lenten Reflection: Discipline

Spiritual discipline has more to do with a posture of attentive learning rather than a posture of retentive fixation on some form or formula. I think showing up is a very important spiritual discipline. – Br. Curtis Almquist Society of Saint John the Evangelist To Read More, Click Here Video not displaying? Click here to view: Question for Reflection: How will you keep faithful to your discipline of prayer, even in the dry times? Comments: We welcome your comments…

2013 VBS Program from the Society of St. Andrew

The Society of St. Andrew announces that their 2013 Vacation Bible School Mission Program is ready to order or download now from their VBS page. “Superheroes of the Faith” – SoSA’s VBS Mission Program is designed to be used either as a stand-alone program or as a mission emphasis to compliment your church’s Vacation Bible School program. “Each day your students will be introduced to a different biblical character who did amazing things for God. “Superheroes of the Faith” is a complete…

Anti-Judaism Issues in the Scriptures for Holy Week

Standing Commission on Liturgy and Music of the Episcopal Church [MARCH 19, 2013] One of the consequences of Jewish-Christian dialogue in recent decades has been a growing awareness of the role played by the New Testament lectionary readings for Holy Week. Consciously or unconsciously, interpretations of these readings in the preaching of Christian pastors have fostered anti-Jewish attitudes among Christians over many centuries. Preachers have propagated the idea, from the earliest times and continuing into our own day, that the Jews…
photo of Carl Saxton

Seminarian Carl Saxton to serve Anglican internship in London

Carl Saxton, seminarian and postulant for Holy Orders sponsored by St. Francis of Assisi Episcopal Church in Willow Park, has been invited to do an Anglican immersion internship this summer at the Anglican Communion Office for Continuing Indaba in London, England.  The internship will be under the direction of the Rev. Dr. Jo Bailey Wells, the newly named chaplain for the Archbishop of Canterbury and a consultant with the ACO Continuing Indaba office. The internship includes a balance between work…

Book of Kells Available in a Digital Collection

Trinity College Library in Dublin, Ireland, announces that the Book of Kells, in its entirety, is now viewable in the Library’s new Digital Collections online repository. They report, “The Book of Kells transparencies, originally captured by Faksimile Verlag, Lucerne, Switzerland in 1990, have recently been rescanned using state of the art imaging technology. These new digital images offer the most accurate high resolution images to date, providing an experience second only to viewing the book in person.” Trinity College Library…

Stalcup School of Theology for the Laity Presents Seminar – Esther, Isthar, and Easter

Stalcup School of Theology for the Laity at Brite Divinity School Presents “Esther, Ishtar, and Easter, or Scripture, Satire, and Survival,” a seminar examining the book of Esther, on Saturday, March 23, 2013. “The book Esther is an oddity in our biblical library. God is never mentioned, the main character is a woman with suspiciously mythological characteristics, and the story world is riddled with gross exaggeration, parody, and ironic reversals too tidy to be credible. What is this book doing…

Lenten Reflection: Transformation

Healing is not the same as recovery. Often when I was a parish priest, I witnessed a sick person’s life transformed by the loving prayers and support of family and friends, an experience of deep healing for them. But they didn’t always ‘recover’ their physical health. – Br. Geoffrey Tristram Society of Saint John the Evangelist To Read More, Click Here Video not displaying? Click here to view: Question for Reflection: Will you pray for God’s transformation in your…

Lenten Reflection: Praise

The Psalms are full of emotional honesty and transparency—even the truth about our ugliest impulses. Rage, resentment, violent retribution, even the cursing of others: it’s all there in the Psalms. If we pray with this kind of honesty, and live with this kind of truth telling, we approach the presence of light and life. Truth telling leads us toward fuller life. – Br. Mark Brown Society of Saint John the Evangelist To Read More, Click Here Video not displaying? Click…