For the first time, the diocese’s annual Chrism Mass (sometimes called a Mass of Collegiality) will not be during Holy Week. Instead, it will be at 10 am on Tuesday, March 8, at St. Luke’s in the Meadow, 4301 Meadowbrook Dr., Fort Worth, TX, 76103, with Bishop Scott Mayer preaching and presiding. It is hoped that having the service at a time other than the very busy Holy Week will be easier for the clergy. The service is open to everyone, as are all worship services.

During the service, oils (called chrism) for anointing at baptism and for healing will be blessed, so that clergy serving in congregations can replenish their supply. Traditionally the service includes the renewal of baptismal vows and the reaffirmation of the unity of priests and deacons with their bishop.
Following worship, all the clergy are invited to a simple lunch in St. Luke’s parish hall. Clergy are asked to RSVP by Friday, March 4 to Michele at the diocesan office (, 817-534-1900).