2019 Diocesan Convention
Friday, November 8 – Saturday, November 9
at the Decatur Convention Center
Convention Wrap-up
The theme of the 2019 Diocesan Convention was The Way of Love. The Way of Love is a way of life. More than a program or curriculum, it is an intentional commitment to a set of practices. It’s a commitment to follow Jesus: Turn, Learn, Pray, Worship, Bless, Go, Rest. Learn more.
Watch the video or read Bishop Scott Mayer’s Convention Address, delivered on Friday, November 8, 2019.
Watch Bishop Eugene Sutton’s sermon and/or read the text of the sermon, given at the worship service Friday night.
Watch Bishop Sutton’s Address on Racial Reconciliation and Reparations, delivered on Saturday, November 9, 2019. Read the text of the address.
2019 – Bishop’s Nominations and Appointments 110619
See the resolutions that passed, including one establishing a Diocesan Commission on Racial Justice and Reparations.
Watch a video of Scott Millican’s suicide prevention presentation.
Watch a video of Sandi Michels’ presentation on the effort to bring a Lynching Memorial to Fort Worth, download a reading list, and find links to important related websites.
The Rt. Rev. Eugene Sutton, bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of Maryland, will speak at convention and preach.

Bishop Sutton was elected bishop of the Diocese of Maryland in 2008, is nationally known for his commitment to non-violence, reconciliation, the environment, and the practice of Centering Prayer. Formerly the Canon Pastor of Washington National Cathedral and Director of the Center for Prayer and Pilgrimage, Bishop Sutton has also served as a college chaplain, parish priest and professor at Vanderbilt University Divinity School. The author of several articles about spiritual practices and preaching, he’s a sought-after guest preacher and a contributor to the book, The Diversity of Centering Prayer. Read a more detailed biography.
The opening worship of convention is at 7 pm Friday, moved to a later time than at previous conventions in response to suggestions on convention evaluations in the hope that more people will be able to attend. Bishop Sutton will preach.
Printed copies of the Worship Booklet will be available at Convention. If you want it on your device, you can download it here.
Vendor Registration
NOTE: Online registration has closed, but you can still register as convention.
Vendors, please go here to register
Convention Registration
Registration opened September 2. As always, Early Bird rates (this year $50 for one day, $75 for two days) were available until midnight, October 1. After October 1, registration is $65 for one day, $90 for two days. Registration includes afternoon snacks and dinner with wine on Friday; continential breakfast, lunch, and an afternoon snack on Saturday. Online registration will close at midnight on Wednesday, November 6.
NOTE: Online registration is closed, but you can still register at convention.
Hotel information
If you plan to stay at or near the convention center, make reservations anytime. The Fairfield Inn & Suites offers very reasonable rates.
- Decatur’s Fairfield Inn & Suites is the closest – directly adjacent to the Convention Center UPDATE – Fairfield Inn & Suites is sold out. The Hampton Inn & Suites, 110 South, US-287, Decatur, TX 76234, is another good option. It is listed in the nearby options below.
- View other nearby options
This is the convention packet. Delegates and other interested people can download it or view documents on their devices. As part of the diocese’s commitment to creation care, no printed packets will be distributed.
Note: Photographs and videos will be taken at convention. If you do not wish to be photographed, please alert Katie Sherrod at convention.
Episcopal Appointments are not available at this time. They will be distributed at Convention with Convention’s consent.
Deanery meetings
Each deanery has the option to meet in the summer (usually late July or August) and is a required to convene for the Pre-Convention meeting in October. Visit the Deaneries page to find current officers and deanery information.
This schedule is a draft. Some details may change.
10:30 am – Exhibitors and Vendors set up
12:00 noon – Registration and Certification of delegates (Exhibits open)
1:00 pm – Rehearsal for those serving in the Eucharist
2:00 pm – Topical Q&A – Budget, Legal, Constitution & Canons, Resolutions CONVENTION BEGINS
2:30 pm – Business session I, including the Bishop’s Address
4:00 pm – Break
4:30 pm – Business session II
5:45 pm – Convention recesses
6:00 pm – Dinner
6:45 pm – Transition to worship
7:00 pm – Convention Eucharist
8:30 pm – Events conclude for the evening
8:00 am – Registration and Certification of delegates
9:00 am – Business session III
9:30 am – Presentation – Bishop Eugene Sutton
10:30 am – Break (Exhibits open)
11:00 am – Business session IV
12:00 noon – Lunch (Exhibits open)
1:00 pm – Business session V
1:30 pm – Living Room Conversation
2:45 pm – Break
3:00 pm – Business session VI
4:00 pm – Closing announcements and adjournment CONVENTION CONCLUDES Following
Following adjournment, the Standing Committee and Disciplinary Board each meet to elect officers.