Sermons by Scott Mayer (Page 2)

Sermons by Scott Mayer (Page 2)

Jesus loves me, this I know

This is the sermon Bishop Scott Mayer preached at St. Luke’s in the Meadow, Fort Worth, on Sunday, February, the 6th Sunday after The Epiphany. Listen to the podcast of the sermon and/or read the text below. St Luke’s in the Meadow FW 2020     6 Epiphany – Year A      February 16 There are stories, and parables, and passages in the Bible that so express the Gospel – the Good News of God’s grace, mercy, and love – that we might…

An Epiphany People

This is the sermon Bishop Scott Mayer preached at St. Elisabeth and Christ the King on the Second Sunday after the Epiphany, January 19, 2020.  St Elisabeth/Christ the King 2020       2 Epiphany – Year A        January 19 Today is the Second Sunday after the Epiphany.  Now some high holy days on the Church calendar and some seasons of the Church Year are well-known, household words – even among the un-churched and people of other world religions. For example, everyone…

Lives change here

This is the sermon Bishop Scott Mayer preached at St. Andrew’s, worshiping in the Good Shepherd Chapel at University Christian Church, on Sunday, November 24, 2019. Watch the sermon below or on YouTube. Read the text of the sermon below the video. St Andrew’s FW 2019                         Patron Saint                               November 24 On March 17, 1875, the Bishop of Northern Texas, the Rt. Rev. Alexander C Garrett established a mission church in Fort Worth.   St Andrew’s Day is typically celebrated on November…

What is a deacon?

This is the sermon Bishop Scott Mayer preached at the ordination to the transitional diaconate of Lainie Acridge Allen, Corrie Maddon Cabes, Leslie Joan Guinn, and Mary Madeleine Hill on Saturday, November 23, 2019, at All Saints’ Episcopal Church, Fort Worth. Watch the sermon below or on YouTube.  Read the text of the sermon below the video.   Sermon Ordination to Diaconate FW                                                        November 23, 2019 We are gathered here today to celebrate the ordination of Lainie Allen,  Corrie Cabes, …

A chain reaction of love

This is the sermon Bishop Scott Mayer preached at St. Luke’s, Stephenville, on Sunday, September 8, 2019. St Luke’s Stephenville 2019             13 Pentecost – Proper 17C           September 8 Every time we celebrate the Sacrament of Confirmation  we say together the Baptismal Covenant,  reminding ourselves that we are called into the Body of Christ  as living members the Body – all equally needed and equally valued – and, we are called into the Body for a purpose beyond ourselves:  to proclaim…

What is life calling me to do?

This is the sermon Bishop Scott Mayer preached at Trinity, Fort Worth, on June 30, 2019. ————————————— Trinity Fort Worth 2019                    3 Pentecost – Proper 8C                   June 30 The New York Times columnist, David Brooks, has written a book which includes a look at an understanding of being called.   The book is entitled, “The Road to Character.”   I commend it to you.   He opens the book with this paragraph: “Recently I’ve been thinking about the difference between ‘resume’ virtues and…

The wideness of God’s love

This is the sermon preached by Bishop Scott Mayer at St. Alban’s, Theatre Arlington, on Sunday, May 19, 2019. ———————- St Alban’s 2019                               5 Easter – Year C                               May 19 The most recent meeting of the General Convention of the Episcopal Church was held in Austin, Texas, this past summer. Several of us from the Diocese of Fort Worth spent nearly two weeks at convention. The theme for convention was “The Jesus Movement:  Loving, Liberating, and Life-giving.”  (Our Fort Worth…

We are beloved children of God

This is the sermon Bishop Scott Mayer preached at St. Stephen’s, Hurst, on Sunday, February 24, 2019.  Listen to the podcast or read the text below.   St Stephen’s Hurst 2019          7 Epiphany – Year C           February 24 It’s an exciting time in the life of St Stephen’s, and I believe it’s an exciting time – even a transformative time – in The Episcopal Church, especially as we are being led by our now famous Presiding Bishop, Michael Curry. It’s…

The way of love

This is the sermon Bishop Scott Mayer preached at All Saints’ Episcopal Church, Fort Worth, on January 13, 2019.     All Saints Fort Worth 2019                       1 Epiphany                            January 13 Now, as always – when we celebrate baptism or confirmation – we will say together the Baptismal Covenant, reminding ourselves that we are called into the Body of Christ  for a purpose beyond ourselves: to proclaim and…

Jesus’ Mission Statement

This is the sermon Bishop Scott Mayer preached at the 70th anniversary of St. Luke’s in the Meadow, Fort Worth, on October 21, 2018. St Luke’s in the Meadow         Seventy Years             October 21, 2018 This morning’s readings from Scripture are the appointed readings for the Feast Day of your Patron Saint, Saint Luke, transferred from October 18th.  The early church theologians ascribe to Luke the authorship of the Gospel according to Luke, as well as the Acts of the Apostles.…

“Who do you say that I am?”

This is the sermon Bishop Scott Mayer preached at the Episcopal Church of the Resurrection in Decatur on September 15, 2018. The Gospel is from Mark, and this passage is often called Peter’s Confession. Jesus asks, “Who do people say that I am?” Bishop Mayer suggests that the “you” in that question makes it highly personal. But he also suggests that another important word is “who,” Jesus does not ask what do you say that I am, rather he asks,…

God’s love is the answer

This is the sermon Bishop Scott Mayer preached at Trinity Episcopal Church, Fort Worth, on Sunday, May 20, 2018. He was preaching in the wake of Presiding Bishop Michael Curry’s highly acclaimed sermon the day before at the royal wedding of Prince Harry and Meghan Markel. Curry preached about the power of love, and Bishop Mayer picked up on that theme in his sermon. God’s love is the answer Trinity FW 2018 – 1           Day of Pentecost              May 20, 2018…

Listen for the music

This is the sermon Bishop Scott Mayer preached at St. Martin-in-the-Fields, Keller, on Sunday, April 29, 2018. St Martin in the Fields, Keller 2018        5 Easter – Year B        April 29 The celebration of Confirmation tends to be a day on which we celebrate what is good, and true, and beautiful about our tradition. So, if you’re a visitor you may need to endure that – fair warning.  Henri Nouwen says that a celebration is more than a party. To…

We are ministers, not messiahs

This is the sermon Bishop Scott Mayer preached at the 2018 Chrism Mass on March 20 at St. Luke in the Meadow, Fort Worth. Fort Worth Chrism Mass 2018                                March 20 Today in the life of the Church we commemorate St Cuthbert, an impressive figure who lived and served in the 7th century – a period of history occasioned by plague, war, and schism. Included in today’s bulletin is a small article about Cuthbert, written by the retired Canon to…

The power of God’s mercy

This is the sermon Bishop Scott Mayer preached at St. Christopher, Fort Worth, on March 18, 2018. Listen to a podcast of the sermon. Read the sermon. St Christopher’s FW 2018           5 Lent – Year B             March 18 Every time we celebrate the Sacrament of Confirmation – as we do this morning – everyone gathered says together the Baptismal Covenant, reminding ourselves that we are called into the Body of Christ as living members of the Body, and that we…

Love is a good place to start

Bishop Scott Mayer invites us into Lent, which began with Ash Wednesday falling on St. Valentine’s Day. Watch the bishop’s message as a video. Read the bishop’s message: Ash Wednesday falls on Valentine’s Day this year, and Easter is on April Fool’s Day. No, God is not messing with us – it’s just an accident of the calendar. But having Ash Wednesday share a date with St. Valentine does offer a place to start in reflecting on Lent. Love is…