Suzi Robertson

Suzi Robertson

The Rev. Suzi Robertson is currently priest-in-charge at The Episcopal Church of the Good Shepherd in Granbury/Acton, and has been an Episcopal priest for 15 years.  One of her first introductions to The Episcopal Church was at University of the South at Sewanee.  She was invited to participate in the first iteration of EFM, where she describes herself as having been sort of  a, “lab rat,” and was trained as one of the first Mentors.  She has continued to return to Sewanee for all kinds of continuing education classes, and spent many days at its Beecken Center, working on behalf of Godly Play and Education for Ministry. She and her husband are financial supporters of this sacred place, and they are the proud grandparents of a recent Sewanee graduate.  Sewanee has been a major influence on her love for education and personal ethic. Suzi has served the larger church through almost every elected and appointed position, across geographic and denominational lines.  She would love nothing more than serving the place where she first fell in love with the Episcopal Church.


Lynn Waltman
Bob Gross