Jubilee Urban Service Programs

Jubilee Urban Service Programs

Website JubileeEUIP Jubilee Urban Service Programs

Now is the time to serve

A year of service is a unique opportunity to help communities in desperate need of support. It’s a chance to grow personally and professionally, experience new places, and meet other amazing, unique, diverse young people committed to giving back and living simply. A year of service is a bridge that allows knowledge and theory taught in the classroom to be applied to real social issues and needs.

Jubilee’s Urban Intern Program in Los Angeles has been committed to providing the space and opportunity to help create young leaders through service for over 25 years. Each year, we bring together a unique corps of young adults ready to be challenged and empowered while developing and uplifting communities, transforming lives, and critically engaging concepts of justice and equity.

In a time of turbulence and division, we’re bringing people together, empowering young leaders, and building stronger communities!

Jubilee’s Urban Service Program is a Year of Service fellowship offering a unique, diverse corps of young adults the opportunity and space to grow personally and professionally while uplifting communities, transforming lives, and critically engaging concepts of justice and equity.

We are one of the longest continuously serving year of service programs in the nation. Our staff makes it a priority to compile a diverse, unique group of young adults each year to represent our program.

We’re looking for applicants who:

  • Are 21-29 years old
  • Hold a Bachelor’s degree
  • Are passionate about social justice, serving communities of need, and sharing new experiences
  • Are ready to grow and be challenged in a supportive environment that encourages critical thinking and compassionate action

To apply for this job please visit docs.google.com.