Shelly Matthews, Professor of New Testament at Brite Divinity School in Fort Worth and occasional preacher and teacher at Trinity Episcopal Church, presents “Magdalene Christianity,” a seminar exploring an early expression of Christian faith and practice.
Magdalene Christianity, a term coined by the late biblical scholar Jane Schaberg, serves as an umbrella term for followers of the Jesus movement, from the first through the fourth centuries and beyond, composed of both men and women, who struggled for egalitarian goals and ideals, including the principle that all have equal access to salvation and all persons reflect the image of God. Drawing from both biblical and extra-biblical materials, we will trace the historical presence of “Magdalene” Christians, their theological claims, their strong ties to prophetic strands of Judaism, and their struggles with Christians loyal to the apostles Peter and Paul, who hostilely opposed their egalitarian strivings. This seminar is aimed at all who desire a fuller awareness of the diversity of early Christian communities, and especially for those who see value in reconstructing a past that gives voice to those marginalized by dominant Christian powers.

Dr. Matthews is Professor of New Testament at Brite Divinity School, holds the ThD from the Harvard Divinity School, the MDiv from Boston University School of Theology, and the BA from the University of North Dakota.
Registration is $35 and includes a light lunch. Scholarships are available. Register online or call 817.257.7580.
This seminar is one of a series of learning opportunities open to lay members and clergy of any denomination, presented by the Stalcup School of Theology for the Laity at Brite Divinity School.