Reunification is Approved
The House of Bishops has affirmed the reunification of the Episcopal Church in North Texas and the Episcopal Diocese of Texas.
We are now the North Region of the Episcopal Diocese of Texas. Our name has changed but our loving, liberating, life giving God has not.

We believe in an apostolic church
This is the text of the sermon preached by Bishop Andy Doyle at All Saints’ Episcopal Church, Fort Worth, TX, on Sunday, January 7, 2024. The audio of the sermon will be posted here. We believe in an apostolic church #19 in the Nicene Creed Series Preached at All Saints Church, Fort Worth By C. Andrew Doyle This Sunday After the Epiphany Is a baptism and confirmation Sunday In which we celebrate the Holy Spirit’s grace by bringing into the

. . .An outward visible sign of faith, hope, and love by a liberated people.
This is the sermon Bishop Scott Mayer preached at the Special Meeting of the Diocesan Convention June 18, 2021. ——————– North Texas Special Convention Trinity, Fort Worth June 18, 2022 We have arrived at a decisive moment for the Episcopal Church in 24 North Texas counties. I would suggest “arrived” is the right word, as it implies we have been on a journey – a journey that is coming close to full circle from the Mission Territory of Texas to

Chain reaction of love
This is the sermon Bishop Scott Mayer preached at Trinity, Fort Worth, on the Sixth Sunday of Easter, May 22, 2022. —– Trinity Fort Worth 2022 6 Easter – Year C May 22 It’s wonderful to see you in person. It’s been three years since we have gathered for Confirmations, although we have celebrated your new ministry with your new rector, Robert. I want to express my gratitude for the way you navigated the pandemic as a congregation: the innovative

Seeking what is real
This is the sermon Bishop Scott Mayer preached at the Episcopal Church of the Resurrection, Decatur, on the Fifth Sunday of Lent, April 3, 2022. —— Resurrection Decatur 2022 5 Lent – Year C April 3 I have had the privilege to hear one of the great evangelical preachers speak a couple of times: Tony Campolo. If you are not familiar with him, Dr Campolo is a Baptist, a sociologist, a pastor, a spiritual advisor to presidents, and a progressive.